Black MBA Association ranks Kellogg top business school
of the Kellogg Black Management Association and Dean
Jacobs were presented with the National Outstanding
Educational Institution of the Year Award from the National
Black MBA Association. L to R: Troy Williams, Ursula
Wright, Deborah-Ann Spence and Tracy Pruitt (all 01).
The National
Black MBA Association (NBMBAA) selected Kellogg to receive
the organization's National Outstanding Educational Institution
of the Year Award for 2000.
This award
was established to recognize the institution making the greatest
contribution toward encouraging African-Americans to enter
the business field.Kellogg dean Donald Jacobs was presented
with the award during the Scholarship and Awards Banquet at
the 22nd annual National Conference and Exposition held at
McCormick Place in Chicago in October.
had this to say about Kellogg receiving the national distinction:
"Kellogg has always had a marvelous minority student body,
one that's always been an important part of the Kellogg community
and family. Like our achieving a perennially high business
school ranking, the nice thing about winning this award is
that it demonstrates that other people understand the quality
that exists at Kellogg."
is a business organization active in the creation of economic
and intellectual wealth for the African-American community.