Jim McNerney, Chairman and CEO, Boeing

Jim McNerney

Become the Leader you need to be

11/18/14 - In his career, Boeing Chairman and CEO Jim McNerney has lead companies that make everything from spaceships to Post-Its. He shared the lessons his wide and varied career has taught on topics from managing stakeholders to focusing a corporate vision with Dean Sally Blount ’92 and a packed hall of Kellogg students during the Brave Leader Series.

McNerney on putting in the work

McNerney on corporate values

McNerney on personal growth

McNerney on earning your title

Kellogg Leader events

The Brave Leader 2019-2020 series has featured:

Shannon Sedgwick Davis, CEO, Bridgeway Foundation & Author, To Stop A Warlord (1/13)

Hiro Mizuno ’95, Executive Managing Director, Global Pension Investment Fund of Japan (9/25)

About the Series

Kellogg hosts prominent leaders from business, government and civil society who engage the community in thought-provoking discussions about key issues facing the business community and the world at large.