Gwynne Shotwell, President and Chief Operating Officer, SpaceX

Gwynne Shotwell

Learning from Your Failures

2/28/19 - As President and Chief Operating Officer for SpaceX, Gwynne Shotwell is bringing boundary-pushing ideas to life. Her dreams for habitable space exploration extend well beyond Mars. To what does she attribute her fearlessness? To some very public setbacks at SpaceX—specifically, three failed rocket launches before finally succeeding with the fourth. “You don’t learn anything from success, but you learn a lot from your failures,” she said.

For her, leading bravely includes being overly prepared by outworking and “out-strategizing” the competition—all with grace and charisma. Kellogg was pleased to welcome her to speak at the Brave Leader series.

Kellogg Leader events

The Brave Leader 2019-2020 series has featured:

Shannon Sedgwick Davis, CEO, Bridgeway Foundation & Author, To Stop A Warlord (1/13)

Hiro Mizuno ’95, Executive Managing Director, Global Pension Investment Fund of Japan (9/25)

About the Series

Kellogg hosts prominent leaders from business, government and civil society who engage the community in thought-provoking discussions about key issues facing the business community and the world at large.