Kellogg World Alumni Magazine Winter 2007Kellogg School of Management
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Brand News
Letter from the Dean
Science for Managers launched
New Gage Scholarship to benefit Kellogg and Medill students
Jain joins elite summit
Kellogg-Miami adds offerings
Celebration marks milestone anniversary for Kellogg-Sasin alliance
Vennie Lyons honored for decades of leadership
International Live-In Week brings world to Kellogg
Allstate continues its partnership with Kellogg
Kellogg EMBA graduates give back with class gifts
MBA students combine fun, and funding, for local charity
Career workshop helps alums
Kellogg School family research scholar marks 20th anniversary of his influential text
Joint Ventures at 25
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Science for Managers launched

A new executive education course created by the Kellogg School and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine began in September. Science for Managers provides executives with an understanding of the scientific foundations in the life sciences. By learning the science behind the industry, participants can more effectively communicate and perform in that environment. Faculty include professors from Kellogg, Northwestern's Feinberg School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins.

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