Kellogg World Alumni Magazine Winter 2007Kellogg School of Management
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Brand News
Letter from the Dean
Science for Managers launched
New Gage Scholarship to benefit Kellogg and Medill students
Jain joins elite summit
Kellogg-Miami adds offerings
Celebration marks milestone anniversary for Kellogg-Sasin alliance
Vennie Lyons honored for decades of leadership
International Live-In Week brings world to Kellogg
Allstate continues its partnership with Kellogg
Kellogg EMBA graduates give back with class gifts
MBA students combine fun, and funding, for local charity
Career workshop helps alums
Kellogg School family research scholar marks 20th anniversary of his influential text
Joint Ventures at 25
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  Dean Jain
  Dean Dipak C. Jain, the Sandy and Morton Goldman Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies, addresses full-time students during CIM Week 2007.  Photo © Nathan Mandell

Letter from the Dean

Dear Kellogg School Alumni and Friends,

As we vigorously pursue the opportunities of a new academic year, I want to share how recent market feedback has helped us define the Kellogg School's strategy — and the implications for you as alumni and for our students as they reenter the workforce.

During my tenure as dean, my colleagues and I have witnessed an increasingly challenging marketplace in which a strong knowledge-base is the main source of competitive advantage for MBAs. This reality has spurred us to reexamine the best means to prepare students to become global leaders, and to dig deeper in thinking about curricular changes that teach the right skills.

One result of these efforts is our brand statement: Educating global leaders in a culture of innovation and collaboration. This is supported by four platforms, which provide a holistic approach to probing the intellectual, global, social and leadership dimensions of business problems in this complex environment. These platforms accent the importance of intellectual depth, experiential learning, global perspectives, and leadership skills and social responsibility. These elements together create a framework that guides us as we give Kellogg MBA students an educational experience that is rigorous and relevant.

As Kellogg alumni, you must challenge yourselves to dig deeper, too. Let lifelong learning guide your decisions by taking every opportunity to embrace the academic culture and resources we offer. Tap into the powerful ideas our faculty members generate in their research and challenge yourself to apply those theories in your organizations. To help you achieve this goal, you can now access our latest online alumni learning resource, Kellogg Insight. This Kellogg innovation is headed by finance professor Kathleen Hagerty, senior associate dean for faculty and research. She directs a team of Kellogg students, faculty and staff in the development of this resource, producing new material every month.

Kellogg Insight is intended to give our alumni, and other users, the foresight they need in making future business decisions. You can find a complete story about Kellogg Insight, as well as excerpts from articles you can access online, in the story "Kellogg School launches online research digest," or go to for a firsthand look.

And while their research is important, our professors' teaching skills are still one of our finest assets. This issue of Kellogg World focuses on excellence in the classroom. Our faculty is second to none when it comes to providing the exemplary classroom experience. I am happy to say this tradition continues to be a point of differentiation for Kellogg. Last year, for example, students nominated more than 80 professors for the L.G. Lavengood Professor of the Year Award — an all-time high.

Finally, remember that as Kellogg alumni you are ambassadors for our brand and that you carry not only your personal aspirations, but those of the entire Kellogg community. As you know, one of our school's other great traditions is producing leaders with a human touch.

Humility is an essential part of our identity in that we not only ask it of our students, but also practice it as administrators while interacting with our alumni, corporate partners and many supporters, as well as with one another. Indeed, one of the traits necessary for good leadership is always keeping your feet on the ground. This trait will serve you well no matter what dynamics may be driving the marketplace.

Warmest personal regards,

Dipak Jain

Dipak C. Jain

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