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After a couple of weeks at home in Madrid (where some Kellogg celebrities were seen), Ivan Espinosa de los Monteros started an online Latin entertainment portal with Marty Rubinstein. The site is soon to be launched, so these are exciting and intense times. Of course, having the beach a block away from the office relieves the pain. They are working on a prime location on Miami Beach, so they expect to be visited often by their dear classmates, especially as the winter approaches. They have a volleyball in the office, so you donıt need to bring much-just donıt forget your shades.

I need to start my inaugural column off with a really great piece of scoop: Several different sources emailed me immediately to tell me that Shawn Makhijani tried to pick up a 49er cheerleader at a party a few weeks ago. The attempt was unsuccessful apparently due to his grinding technique. But way to go, Shawn, for really diving into the San Francisco culture!

Letıs try to move away from that visual and go on. Babies

So you gotta give the guy credit: Matt Fortuin decided to go to work for at a time when babies have been popping out like Pez candyŠMattıs options are gonna be worth a bundle. Speaking of bundles.

Amaury de Cordesı son, Augustin, decided to show up on his dadıs birthday (June 3). Amaury and his wife, Catherine, are busy changing diapers. No word on when they will be available to make crepes againŠ

Ari Sherwood and his wife, Michal Elovitz, had a baby girl, Maya Sherwood, on July 20.

Jerry Yen and his wife, Diane, figured that four-year old Derek would need a little sister to torment, so Joyce Yen filled the position on July 22. Everyone is recuperating nicely and the family is already hiking together.

Brad Shisler and his wife, Steph, announced the birth of their son, Jay Henry, on Aug. 9. Brad states that Jay Henry brings ³pure joy to the house.²

Hereıs something sweet: Hiroo Murota and his wife had a baby girl just a few weeks ago (Sept. 30) and they named her Emi (sounds like ³Amy²) after a girl from the Hinman Street pre-school who is friends with their other daughter Nami.

Early bird ­ but doing just fine ­ Anshika Singh, was born on Aug. 31 to Madhulika and Niraj Singh.

Monica and Keith Fromelt welcomed Kevin Patrick into the world on Sept. 20 at 5:53 a.m. Mom, Dad and Baby are all doing well.

Marriages. Hereıs a fun game. Guess who they were: Catherine Burke; Shelly McMillin; Amy Fazio; Laurie Waller; Anshu Gupta; Bleema Bershad; Stephanie Caesar.

Lots of weddings to report:

Stephanie Belko and Al Caesar were married July 15 and honeymooned in Hawaii. They are currently settling into life in suburban New Jersey.

Derek Braddock and Carrie Freeman were married in Rye, N.Y., on Aug. 26. Many Kellogg friends attended the wedding including Matt Prevost, Josh Gellert, Ted Kasten and Robert Lesley.

Laurie Burkland and Sylvan Waller tied the knot Aug. 4 in the groomıs home state of Hawaii. Their wedding guests joined them for a week of hiking, snorkeling, and pina colada drinking before celebrating their marriage ceremony on the beach at sunset.

Kate Cooney and Chris Burke were married on Aug. 5 and the reception was held at Kateıs parentıs home in Rochester, Minn., and was attended by Megan Campbell, Jay Kingsley, Colleen Linehan, Bill Morrison, Jonathan Mugler, and Keith Pelt.

Jeremy Hung-Chang Liou and Tiffany Huang were married Sept. 9 in Lake Tahoe. They miss all of their friends from Kellogg and invite everyone to visit them in California.

Anshu Mittal and Vishal Gupta were married on Aug. 12 in Chicago.

Bleema Moskowitz and William Bershad were married Sept. 3 in Manhattan. Fellow 4Qıs Mary Caplan, George Rossolatos and Vera Holroyd were there to celebrate with the couple.

Amy Newkirk and Joseph Fazio were married on Aug. 5 and are now living in San Francisco. Kellogg classmates Pamela Ng, Tania Haladner, and Claudia Hung were in attendance to celebrate.

Shelly Oudsema and Scott McMillin were married July 15.

Jamie Rivera and Treena Santos were married on Aug. 19 in Manila, Philippines. Kellogg attendees included: J-Ann Rivera, Manolet Montinola, Karina Rufino, Gino Dizon, Tricianne Zingapan, Jeff Patton, Roland Jarquio, Tak Imada and Warren Hayashi. You can see their wedding at

Charlie Sultan and Mary Doyle were married Sept. 9 in Michigan. Two weeks later, Charlie started work at American Airlines in Dallas.

Craig Zeldin and Sheila Simon were married July 3 in Chicago. They are now living in San Francisco and Craig is working for And although he misses his buddy, word is that Will Hawthorne managed <\n>to behave himself through the nuptials.

Chris Colwell and Sherry Young were married July 15 at the United States Naval Chapel in Washington, D.C., and the reception was at the Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, Va. Kellogg attendees include Susanna Allshouse, Steve McLaughlin, Tom Behan, and Andy Jacobson.

Miss you all! Keep me updated.

©2001 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University