Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2000Kellogg School of Management
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Chris Schelleng and his wife, Kathy, are moving back East to the Boston area next weekendŠPlymouth for now, with a goal of settling down somewhere on the South Shore. The close proximity to their family will, among other things, ensure a supply of free babysitting for their daughter, who is scheduled to arrive Nov. 7.

Victor Sapphire was recently appointed a member of the DVD-MP3 Encryption Coding Committee of the Intellectual Property Owners Association. Aside from lawyering, this summer Vic opened Thunderdome, a commercial music production studio in Chicago featuring tape and computer-based recording/editing systems and a nice complement of guitars and MIDI gear. Sync to picture capabilities that will enable audio-for-video post-production are under development. The studio is located in the exciting Old Town neighborhood of Chicago. He is a partner in a two-studio facility in Burbank, Calif.

Hyokon Zhiang has moved from A.T. Kearney to Bain as of August. She supposes this is one of the rare ³old economy to old economy² moves.

©2001 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University