Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2000Kellogg School of Management
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Yet another of our classmates has made the shift into e-commerce. Martin Mahoney, who lives in Westchester, Pa., is vice president of e-business for FirstUSA Bank, a division of BankOne. In his current role, he is managing a team to create internet-based balance transfer capability.

Mary Haderlein is president of Grant/Jacoby Communications, one of the oldest privately held advertising and PR firms in Chicago. The firm is doing extremely well and is accepting new clients, in case any of you are interested. On a personal note, Mary has been married since 1986 and has three sons. She is also a member of the Counsel of 100, a group of female Northwestern alums who mentor female undergraduates.

Mil Ovin is president of a company called Vereascape. Vereascape is developing a speech recognition server that will make a Web site conversationally interactive from any phone. Previously, Mil was a vice president of marketing for a start-up called WarpSpeed Communications. He and his wife, Barb, have a son (4) and a daughter (1).


©2001 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University