Q&A with KSA President Brian Van Wagener '12
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Brian Van Wagener | |
Kellogg World: What are the Kellogg Student Association's goals for the upcoming year?
Brian Van Wagener: There's a lot happening at Kellogg in the next year. We're charting a long-term strategy and planning for the new building. Our team hopes to inject the student voice into those conversations and to make each process as inclusive as possible.
We also have several of our own initiatives, building on the legacy of student-driven projects like GIM and KWEST. With 155 hard-working student leaders, KSA is a powerful engine for incubating great new ideas, and we have several lined up for the next nine months.
KW: What are some of those new ideas?
BV: This spring, we launched an "X-Prize" program for funding events that create bridges in the Kellogg community. Over the summer, we are working with the administration to launch a great new platform to host videos of speakers on campus. In addition, we are working with Alumni Relations on starting an alumni advisory-board program for clubs. Based on a proposal from alumni, we also are launching the "Third-Year Student Association" to bridge the student-alumni transition. We hope alumni will see value in being more plugged in to what's happening on campus.
KW: How can alumni work with students to strengthen the Kellogg community?
BV: Across the 100 student organizations, there are many formal and informal roles that alumni can play. Each of those organizations will have contact information on their web pages (at Kellogg.campusgroups.com) by the end of the summer. Send them an email!
We know there are lots of great ideas we haven't thought of that we can partner with alumni on. So, if you have ideas on how to strengthen the Kellogg community together, reach out to me at bvanwagener2012@kellogg.northwestern.edu.
Joel Toledo '12, Kellogg Part-Time Student Association president, adds:
"Come back to campus early and often! We love being able to interact with you, whether it is during a panel discussion, social event, or seminar. We are always looking for opportunities to incorporate our alumni into what we are learning as well as student life."