Baker brings his managerial insights to Kellogg TMP students
Cubs manager Dusty Baker speaks to students in The Managers'
Program (TMP) on May 21 as part of the Kellogg School Symposium
on Managerial Leadership. TMP is the Kellogg School's part-time
MBA curriculum, designed for working professionals who choose
also to continue their business education. Referencing his
mother who returned to school later in life while working,
Baker addressed the TMP students in attendance, saying: "I
have a special place in my heart for people who work and go
to school at night, because it's tough. You people are the
future leaders of our country, and I'm impressed at your dedication."
Baker regaled the audience with his lifelong experiences as
a sports professional, in particular discussing the importance
of having a positive attitude and focus to achieve excellence
despite challenges.