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Achieving marketing leadership
Theory & Practice: Zajac
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Kellogg School scholars are continuously publishing compelling, often industry-defining, research across a number of disciplines. The Kellogg marketing department has been especially influential, responsible for some of the most important early texts in marketing and advertising, as well as recent benchmarks. Combining a breadth of expertise that draws upon such fields as psychology, anthropology, economics and statistics, among others, the Kellogg marketing department is one of the most eclectic and rigorous of its kind — and its research reflects this fact. Epitomizing a dynamic, holistic approach to marketing, Kellogg faculty from many departments contribute insights of value for marketers and their peers. Here are just a few examples. Many more may be found on the Kellogg Web site at the Emporium.

  Marketing Management
  Market Makers
  Supply Chain Management
  Economics of Strategy
Marketing Management by Philip Kotler. Now in its 11th edition, this is considered by many to be the definitive marketing text. Kotler has built a legendary reputation as a marketing guru, having written more than 20 books, and this worldwide best-seller showcases a wealth of his strategic insights. Marketing Management highlights the most recent trends and developments in global marketing — with an emphasis on the importance of teamwork between marketing and all other functions of a firm. It introduces new perspectives in successful strategic market planning, and presents additional company examples of creative, market-focused, and customer-driven action.

The Market Makers: How Leading Companies Create and Win Markets, by Daniel Spulber. An economist by training, Spulber is a management and strategy expert who has conducted extensive research in the arena of international business. In this text, Spulber reveals the strategies of leading companies — or “market makers.” Emphasizing the importance of product quality and pricing, the book also highlights innovation and customer service as essential elements for success.

Supply Chain Management by Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl. This text won Book of the Year honors from the Institute for Industrial Engineers — a tough crowd to impress. Chopra is an operations management thought leader whose insights into supply chains hold great relevance for marketers who understand the importance of inventory, transportation, information and facilities in a firm’s strategic planning. This text explores the crucial role of the supply chain, key managerial concepts in supply chain management, and the tools and techniques for supply chain design and planning.

Economics of Strategy by David Besanko, David Dranove and Mark Shanley. Now in its second edition, this text integrates insights from the theory of the firm, industrial organization and strategy research. Besanko and Dranove, both experts in manage- ment and strategy, detail the external market environments of firms, as well as their internal organization. Now used by most major business schools as the textbook for strategy, the book presents a strong theoretical and empirical foundation that employs real-world issues and generous case studies.


©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University