the Dean
Dear Alumni
and Friends,
As I
assess the past year — my first as dean — I can’t
help but think about all the change that has taken place in
the world, and all the help given by Kellogg School alumni
and friends along the way.
we had the need to assist new alumni whose employers deferred
their consulting jobs last summer. When I asked for your help,
the response was overwhelming and showed the strength of our
worldwide network. All those grads were extremely grateful
for the leadership of the Kellogg alumni network in helping
them find positions.
As I
have traveled around the world for meetings with alumni clubs
and recruiters, I have had the honor and pleasure of meeting
thousands of you face-to-face. My goal was to get feedback
on how the Kellogg School can continue to build on its already
impressive reputation. In the Kellogg tradition, you did not
hold back your — comments whether they concerned the
alumni database, global reach, the curriculum or even the
need to have valet parking for recruiters. I will be communicating
a more complete list of accomplishments and innovations from
this past year in a newsletter later this summer, but rest
assured that we are following up on each suggestion. I encourage
you to contact us continually with your thoughts and ideas.
Our alumni
and friends have been outstanding in hiring Kellogg graduates
and providing summer internships for our students in this
difficult employment year. To my knowledge, no other business
school has been as successful as Kellogg in the percentage
of students placed by the end of the academic year. Much of
this success is due to our alumni and the corporate network
that just keeps getting stronger in the job market.
alumni network also rolled out the red carpet in 15 countries
for our 450 Global Initiatives in Management (GIM) students
this spring. Alumni helped arrange activities that included
speakers, company tours, dinners and banquets, corporate meetings,
seminars with local executives and, of course, numerous “cultural”
social gatherings. I thank you for partnering with our students
for this international business leadership experience.
this year the Kellogg School received more than 7,600 applications
for our two-year full-time program. The numbers represent
an almost 11-to-1 ratio of applications to spots available.
In addition, our admissions staff and 1,300 alumni interviewers
met with virtually every applicant and a few hundred more
that did not apply. Thank you to our alumni interviewers around
the world — without you, we could never perform this
important feature of Kellogg that differentiates us from all
other major business schools.
thank you for all you do for the Kellogg School. We truly
appreciate it.
personal regards,
