Wienke (husband of Cory Mann '99) holds daughter Kate;
Emily Yoshida, daughter of Eileen Yoshida '99 and James
Gardner '95, squeezes in the middle; and Sprague Callery
'99 holds son Graham. |
Luis Felipe
Verdi and Daniela married on May 3, in São Paulo, Brazil,
at a ceremony in Buffet La Luna, featuring one of the most
beautiful landscapes of São Paulo. Many Kellogg friends
attended the event, including Marcos Meneguzzi '01, Ricardo
Soares '01, Eric Archer, Alexandre Correa '98, Marco Mombelli,
Guilherme Johannpeter '00, André Rizzi, Tommaso Leonetti,
Paula Abramovicz '98, and Rodrigo Vieira, who danced until
late. Luis Felipe and Daniela honeymooned in South Africa
and Bali. In South Africa, Luis Felipe had two chances to
show his machismo to his wife: an encounter with sharks, and
the highest bungee jump in the world (200+ meters)! Pleased
with such a brave husband, Daniela took Luis Felipe to rest
under the hot sun of the charming beaches of Bali.