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On Jan. 24, EMP-46 held its first post-holiday party at the Club House in Oak Brook, Ill. For those who didn't have enough road warrior miles to trade in for tickets to the event or those who couldn't brave the snow, we will start with some great news. As the photo didn't turn out, we are including a verbal report of the event. No video will be available on YouTube, either.

Dave Susalla, Jose Martinez and Ro Kumar served as our hosts. We were pleased to welcome back Sam Iyer who returned to the Snow Belt and is back making a difference in our local medical community. The reappearance of Marie Miller was also a reason to celebrate, as she kept us entertained with stories of her wonderful family. She is as talented as a mom as she is in business. Ranjit Pradhan received the award for the most sophisticated winter look as he represented the Ulysses group with his usual style and grace. Ralph Mollenhauer drove the farthest and stayed the longest. Welcome back to the fold, Ralph. Nizar Jiwani and Darlene Ziebell made the evening complete.

Susan Nedza represented the virtual social committee. Greg Calloway missed the event, as he was busy teaching Porter's Five Forces to his class at Dominican University. Alan Burack was also missed at the party and will be put in charge of the summer event as a result.

Scott Baxter is now the president of services at Home Depot. Becky Brubaker continues her climb at the Chicago Tribune and is now vice president of operations. David G. Hill is the team lead at DJ Basin and Paradox Basin, EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.

After four years in public service, Susan Nedza assumed the newly created position of vice president, clinical quality and patient safety at the American Medical Association. She would like to thank all of EMP-46 and Professor Ed Hughes who supported her through the search process.

Darrin Reilly is the senior vice president of IPC and president of Government Systems Solutions Division IPC. It is a Silver Lake Partners Company (private equity-owned) in New York. We aren't sure if he has left sunny California or if it is a virtual position.

Harriet Seymore is the director of Corporate EH&S, Industrial Safety Strategy at Exelon Corporation. Dave Susalla is a principal with Tatum, LLC in Chicago.

As always, Alan and I appreciate your updates. Each time we are together, we are reminded of the great friendships and experiences that we all share. Keep in touch and enjoy the spring.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University