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2001 — Full-Time
  Keith Vendola '01 and his bride, Catherine Tipps
  Ashley and Ed Stubbins, both '01, with and their son George

Keith Vendola married Catherine Tipps on May 26 at Memorial Church on the campus of Stanford University. Members of the bridal party included Tim Paulson '99, Sanjay Saxena '99 and Keith Bough. In attendance, were Chris and Sara Ehrlich, both '98, Marc-Henri Galletti '97 and Scott Saywell '02. After a honeymoon on the islands of Kauai and Maui, the couple now lives in downtown San Francisco. Catherine works as a genetic counselor at Kaiser in San Jose. Keith recently joined DiObex, a San Francisco-based private biotech company, as head of corporate development.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University