Faculty Research and Honors
Professor of Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences Gad
Allon co-authored "Competition in Service Industries"
(with Awi Federguren). The paper was published in the January
edition of Operation Research and explored a variety
of issues related to electronic brokerage firms and their
paper by Associate Professor of Marketing Alex
Chernev, "Jack of All Trades or Master of One: Product
Differentiation and Compensatory Reasoning in Consumer Choice,"
appeared in the March edition of Journal for Consumer Research.
Professor of Management and Organizations Adam
Galinsky co-authored numerous published papers throughout 2006 and early 2007.
"Thinking within the box: The recreational processing
style elicited by counterfactual mindsets" and "Starting
low but ending high: A reversal of the anchoring effect in
auctions" both appeared in the Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology; "Power, propensity to negotiate, and moving
first in competitive interactions" and "Implications
of counterfactual structure for creative generation and analytical
problem solving" appeared in the Personality
and Social Psychology Bulletin;
"Power and perspectives not taken" appeared in Psychological
Science; and "Power,
optimism, and the proclivity for risk" appeared in the
European Journal of Social Psychology.
Oxford University Press recently published a book by Michael
Ludwig Nemmers Distinguished Professor of Strategy and Organizations
Gulati. Managing Network Resources: Alliances, Affiliations, and Other
Relational Assets explores
the "networks of alliances and other ties that influence
[the] behavior and performance" of today's firm. Gulati's
research was also recognized by The Economist Intelligence
Unit for its quality and relevance.
Professor of Marketing Walter
Herbst will address the World Intellectual Property Organization
of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, in April. He
has also been asked to join the industry advisory board of
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Kotler, S. J. Johnson
& Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing,
presented the annual Robert P. Maxon lecture at George Washington
University in Washington, D.C., on April 4. His talk was titled,
"What is the Relation between Company Profits, Company
Reputation, and Corporate Giving?" Kotler received the
Telecom Italia Prize for Leadership on Business and Economic
Thinking for 2006. The prize was awarded at the Telecom Colloquia-Nobels
in Venice, Italy, on Nov. 28. Kotler will receive the Professional
Achievement Citation at the annual alumni convocation at the
University of Chicago on June 20.
paper by David
Matsa, the Kellogg School's Donald P. Jacobs Scholar in
Finance, will be published in the June 2007 issue of the Journal
of Legal Studies. The paper, "Does Malpractice Liability
Keep the Doctor Away? Evidence from Tort Reform Damage Caps,"
discusses the impact of malpractice liability on physician
Mark McCareins, adjunct
professor of business law, recently contributed a chapter
to Food and Drug Law Settlements and Negotiations (Aspatore Books, 2006). He also received honors
in 2007 in several attorney-ranking services — including
Best Lawyers in America, Illinois Super Lawyers, the Leading
Lawyers Network and America's Leading Lawyers for Business
— in the areas of antitrust, intellectual property and
commercial litigation.
Professor of Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences Brian
Rogers has published "Relating Network Structure to Diffusion Properties
through Stochastic Dominance" (with M. Jackson) in The
B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics (Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2007). He and Jackson will publish
"Meeting Strangers and Friends of Friends: How Random
are Social Networks?" in the June issue of The
American Economic Review.
Professor of Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences Karl
Schmedders has been awarded the Honorary Medal by the
Kellogg School's partner, WHU, in Koblenz, Germany. The distinction
recognizes his 10 years as a visiting professor at WHU.
Stern's paper, "Flattery Will Get You Everywhere
(Especially if You Are a Male Caucasian): How Ingratiation,
Boardroom Behavior, and Demographic Minority Status Affect
Additional Board Appointments at U.S. Companies," will
appear in an upcoming issue of the Academy of Management
Journal. The paper's co-author is James Westphal.
Ward, clinical professor of family enterprise and co-director
of the Kellogg School's Center
for Family Enterprise, recently published From Siblings
to Cousins (Family Enterprise Publications, Atlanta),
the 16th booklet in the Family Business Leadership Series.