team (from top left): Tad Kittredge, Jonathan Hopkins,
Rick FlorJancic, Melissa Washko, Scott Buchanan and Dawn
Samaris, all '06 ©
Photo by David Rosen: Courtesy of Wake Forest University |
team takes top honors in marketing case competition
group of six Kellogg School students took first place at the
Wake Forest Marketing Case Competition held Feb. 9-11
in Winston-Salem, N.C. The team was one of eight invited to
the Wake Forest campus for the final competition following
an initial application round.
finals began with the unveiling of a surprise sponsor: Yahoo!
Each team was given 36 hours to develop the next billion-dollar
business idea for the search engine company. Unlike the other
groups, the Kellogg team adopted a strategy aimed at strengthening
Yahoo!'s core competencies as an advertising business. The
judges, including the Yahoo! CMO, were impressed by the Kellogg
contingent's ability to deliver an idea designed specifically
to raise ad revenue.
Buchanan said that the team exemplified the Kellogg spirit during the weekend.
Rather than stay up all night finishing their project, all
members went to bed well-prepared at a reasonable hour and
even found time mid-competition for a touch-football game.
By staying rested and continuing to build camaraderie over
the weekend, the members could enjoy the overall event as
a personal and intellectual experience, rather than merely
as a competition.
you're having fun," said Buchanan, "that's when
you have the most creative ideas."
Associate Dean Robert
Korajczyk lauded the
team for innovative problem solving that leveraged their experiences
both at the Kellogg School and in the business world.
performance is a testament to the hard work of these students
and to their skill at applying the tools they've gained at
Kellogg," said Korajczyk.
Chris Van Nostrand