Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Spring 2004Kellogg School of Management
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Faculty Research: Arvind Krishnamurthy, Finance
Faculty Research: Deborah Lucas, Finance
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Jerome Lamet '52
Robert Dotson ' 89
James Weis '93
Steve McDougal '95
John Strelecky '97
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  Dean Dipak Jain
© Evanston Photographic
Dean Dipak C. Jain

From the Dean

Dear Kellogg School Alumni,

These are exciting times for the Kellogg School and its worldwide network of alumni, partners and friends. We continue to expand the range and reach of our thought leadership in dramatic ways, both at home and internationally.

This magazine highlights some of our efforts to broaden the Kellogg School brand globally. In these pages many of our faculty and graduates contribute their insights regarding todayís international business environment, and they discuss strategies leaders are using to address market challenges they face while doing business around the planet.

This global emphasis is not new for the Kellogg School. When I became dean in June 2001, my colleagues and I articulated three main priorities for Kellogg:

ï We promised to continue investing in the Kellogg School brand by pursuing points of differentiation and leveraging these to bolster our top position among the elite echelon of management educators;

ï We identified the need to strengthen our alumni network by creating lifelong-learning initiatives that brought our graduates together;

ï We recognized the importance of enhancing the visibility and reputation of the Kellogg School on the global stage.

Our progress in these areas includes the Kellogg Alumni Network that launched Jan. 14 and is receiving excellent feedback. I was in Houston on the day of the Web siteís debut, and I heard an immediate positive response from alumni there who appreciated this new tool as a great way to connect alumni, update contact information and remain engaged in the overall life of the Kellogg School.

We continue to define our points of differentiation by strengthening our platform of thought-, team- and market leadership. We have enhanced our curriculum accordingly, including integrating a "360-degreeî leadership assessment for all incoming students. We have significantly revised our traditional orientation agenda that begins each academic year, too. This pre-term program now features the courses Leadership in Organizations (designed for first-year students) and Leadership at Times of Crisis (intended for second-year students).

Equally important, we are extending the reach of our faculty and alumni thought leadership internationally ó a fact recognized by the Kellogg School earning No. 1 rankings in the area of global business by the Economist Intelligence Unit and AsiaInc. We continue to develop creative ways to partner with senior leaders in both business and government around the world, as youíll learn by reading this issue of Kellogg World.

To continue with our initiatives, we need resources. At the last Alumni Advisory Board meeting, I detailed the financial situation of Kellogg and presented a history of alumni and corporate giving to our school. So that we can increase our efforts, the Board decided to focus on fund raising in conjunction with alumni relations.

To that end, I am happy to announce the appointment of Roger ìWhitî Shepard as associate dean for development and alumni relations. Whit brings nearly two decades of leadership experience in fund raising. Most recently, he served as associate chancellor for development and vice president at the University of Illinois Foundation in Chicago.

It remains my distinct privilege as dean to serve each of you in the Kellogg School community. Like all of you, I am profoundly aware of how special the Kellogg network is. Each day more people around the globe interact with our alumni and discover why Kellogg has earned its reputation for producing unparalleled leaders who are shaping the future of business and government.

As always, we value your insights and contributions in helping the Kellogg School remain the global management leader.

Warmest personal regards,

Dipak C. Jain

Dipak C. Jain

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University