© Nathan Mandell |
lecture series notches another success
students learn what it takes to be a chief executive officer
John Rau,
former president and CEO of LaSalle National Bank, gave Kellogg
MBA students a lesson in advancing to the top of the corporate
world during a seminar held at the Kellogg School on Feb.
In his
presentation “Getting to the Corner Office,” Rau
advised Kellogg students to tailor themselves to a company’s
top job from Day One in their careers.
of the hardest things for firms to figure out is how smart
you are, how tough you are and how you can handle pressure,”
Rau said. He advised would-be CEOs to strive for jobs where
their impact will be measurable, to work for an “academy”
company at least once in their careers, and to work for firms
in line with their personal values and style so success is
easier to achieve.
the job matters for only one day,” he said. “After
that, it’s succeeding in the new job that determines
your future.”
seminar, sponsored by the Kellogg School’s Business
Leadership Club, was based on his book, Secrets From the
Search Firm Files: What it Really Takes to Get Ahead in the
Corporate Jungle.
Rau, who
earned the top job at LaSalle National Bank at age 35, also
served as dean of the School of Business at Indiana University
from 1993 to 1997. He is a member of the Dean’s Advisory
Board at the Kellogg School and was a visiting scholar at
Kellogg from 1992 to 1993.
— Kari Richardson |