Hefner addresses new TMP women's business club
© Nathan Mandell
Playboy Enterprises CEO Christie Hefner shares business
advice with TMP students.
For its
inaugural speaking engagement in February, the Women's Business
Association of The Managers' Program (TMP-WBA) set out to
recruit an accomplished female executive whose name and reputation
would draw a crowd and put the newly formed Kellogg club in
the spotlight.
Hefner, chairman and CEO of Playboy Enterprises, Inc., turned
out to be the perfect choice.
addressed a diverse group of Kellogg students at Wieboldt
Hall, 340 E. Superior St. in Chicago, sharing insights about
leading an international media company in a dynamic era of
consolidation and convergence. Much of the discussion focused
on her company's current business strategy, but Hefner offered
advice and anecdotes that relate to management challenges
in any industry. Hefner emphasized the importance of "recognizing
your colleagues' individual needs," underscoring the
theme that interpersonal skills are what can ultimately determine
success or failure in business.
leadership shared the student audience's enthusiasm for its
first speaker: "While much of our club programming aims
to serve the interests of TMP women, the goal of our speaker
series is to enhance the whole Kellogg community by inviting
dynamic women business leaders to share their knowledge and
unique experience in an interactive forum," said Joellen
Hillberry, president and co-founder of TMP-WBA.
formed in 2000 with a mission of supporting the academic,
professional and social endeavors of women in The Managers'