The 2018 Kellogg Alumni Awards
At the end of last semester, three alumni were honored for their significant impact as business leaders and Kellogg alumni

Ann M. Drake '84
Drake, chairman and CEO, DSC Logistics, Inc., received the Distinguished Alumni Service Award for her work on the Kellogg Global Advisory Board, support of the 2018 Global Women's Summit, establishment of the Drake Scholars, innovative leadership at DSC Logistics and sustained civic engagement. The award honors alumni who have made significant investments in shaping the Kellogg strategy, culture and brand to compete in the global marketplace.

Roslyn M. Brock '99
Brock, vice president, advocacy and government relations, Bon Secours Health System and chairman emeritus, NAACP, received the Schaffner Award in recognition of her bold and strategic direction in health care provision and advocacy, as well as her decades of engagement and leadership with the NAACP. The Schaffner Award honors Kellogg leaders who have made significant contributions to society and have exemplified the dynamic culture of Kellogg through their professional achievements.

Richard H. Lenny '77
Lenny, chairman of the board, IRI, and former chairman and CEO, the Hershey Company, received the Wade Fetzer Award for his sustained dedication to Kellogg, including, among many roles, his leadership of the Campaign Steering Committee and work on the Global Advisory Board, as well as his service as co-chair of the Kellogg Corporate Governance Conference. The Wade Fetzer Award recognizes outstanding dedication and loyalty in support of Kellogg alumni.
"We are incredibly excited to welcome another diverse, high-achieving group of students this fall. In particular, Kellogg will welcome its highest-ever population of women and more than one-quarter U.S. minorities. As we do every year, we look for leaders who are focused on collaborating and who seek to create impact and lasting value wherever they go."
— Kate Smith
Assistant Dean, Admissions & Financial Aid

Dean Sally Blount stepped down last summer after eight years at the helm
During her tenure, Blount, shown here at a celebration honoring her work as dean, contributed to producing:
- Highest-ever percentages of women and U.S. minorities in incoming Two-Year MBA classes
- A 25-point increase in average GMAT score for Two-Year MBAs
- Construction and completion of the Global Hub
- Implementation of an interdisciplinary model of thought leadership
- Growth in Annual Fund giving from $3.6 million in 2008 to $10.1 million in 2017
- More than $375 million raised in the Transforming Together capital campaign
- A record-breaking percentage of students accepting summer internships in technology and a record-breaking percentage of graduates accepting jobs on the West Coast