Optional Recommended Readings by course topic
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- Articles:
- The Pandemic Has Erased Entire Categories of Friendship, by Amanda Mull, The Atlantic
- How to Make Friends, According to Science, by Ben Healy, The Atlantic
- Researchers Draw Romantic Insights From Maps of Facebook Networks, by Steve Lohr, New York Times
- How lemurs and monkeys exploit the social wisdom of crowds, by Alan Boyle, NBC News
- Technology Brokers, by Lee Fleming
- Degrees of Separation Are Likely More Than 6, Especially in E-Mail Age, by Duncan Watts
- Social Structure of Competition, by Ron Burt
- Using E-Mail to Count Connections, by Duncan Watts
- Xerox
- The Seven Golden Rules of the Favor Economy, by Marc Spiegler
- Gender of Social Capital, by Ron Burt
- Proven Benefits of Social Capital, by Waybe Baker
- Social Capital of French and American Managers, by Ron Burt
- Teams as Networks, by Wayne Baker
- What is Social Capital and Why Should You Care About It?, by Wayne Baker
- Terrorist Networks
- The Personality Correlates of Social Capital
- Superconnectors, by Rob Cross and Laurence Prusak
- How Leaders Use and Create Networks, by Herminia Ibarra and Mark Hunter
- Growing Self-Organizing Networks, by Bernd Fritzke, et al.
- Making Social Networks Profitable - Google Article, by Heather Green
(Business Week) - Brave New World of Digital Intimacy, by Clive Thompson (NYTIMES)
- NSA joining social network for intelligence analysts, by David Wood
- The Last of the Facebook Holdouts - ABC News
- On Twitter and in the Workplace, It's Power to the Connectors - HarvardBusiness.org
- What Facebook Can't Give You - Wall Street Journal
- Social Networking Your Way To a New Job - New York Times
- Twitter helps you network, and it is easy to get more followers - USA TODAY
- Putting a Price on Social Connections - Bloomberg Business Week
- Two Is the Magic Number - Slate
- A World of Connections - The Economist
- Global swap shops - The Economist
- Social Contracts - The Economist
- Computers That Trade on the News - New York Times
- Every Move You Make - Economist
- Online Social Networks - Information Today
- Guide to Social Networks - Harvard Business Review
- The Secret Coach - Bill Campbell - CNN Money
- A Media Powerhouse Everyone and Nobody Knows - NYTimes
- The Future of Innovation at Apple - Russell J. Funk
- Five Tips to Break Through Your Filter(s) - Harvard Business Review
- Obama, Gates, Zuckerberg mourn loss of Steve Jobs - USA Today
- Steve Jobs' and 9 Other Humble Garage Beginnings - ABC News
- Is Metcalfe’s Law Way Too Optimistic? - Business Commincations Journal
- The Value of a Network - The Gong Show (tumbler)
- Books:
- Everything Is Obvious: *Once You Know the Answer by Duncan Watts (2011)
- Connected by Nickolas Christakis and James Fowler (2010)
- Bursts by Lazslo Barabási (2010)
- Networks by Mark Newman (2010)
- Garton, Laura, et al. "Studying Online Social Networks." Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, June 1997
- Hafner, Katie, and Lyon, Matthew. Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet. Simon & Schuster, 1996.
- Gladwell, Malcolm. The Tipping Point. Little, Brown, 2000.
- Kim, Amy Jo. Community Building on the Web. Peachpit press, 2000.
- Krebs, Valdis. "Social Network Analysis of the 9-11 Terrorist Network." 2002.
- Pennock, David M., et al, "Winners don't take all: Characterizing the competition for links on the web", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, Vol. 99, Issue 8, 5207-5211, April 16, 2002.
- Powazek, Derek M. Design for Community. New Riders, 2002.
- Rauch, Jonathan. "Seeing Around Corners." The Atlantic, April 2002.
- Watts, Duncan J. Small Worlds: The Dynamics of Networks between Order and Randomness. Princeton University Press, 1999.
- "Acheiving Success Through Social Capital" by Wayne Baker
- "In Good Company" by Cohen and Prusak
- "Six Degrees" by Duncan Watts.
- "Structural Holes" by Ronald Burt.
- Articles:
- A Review of Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman: Implications for Technical Education (Primal Leadership), by Dick Culver
- Reciprocation, by Robert Cialdini
- Social Proof, by Robert Cialdini
- Science of Persuasion, by Robert Cialdini
- Social Influence in Televised Election Debates: A Potential Distortion of Democracy, by Colin J. Davis
- Why Copy Others? Insights from the Social Learning Strategies Tournament, by L. Rendell (Science)
- Voting - Working Paper
- Women Leaders and Persuasion - MW
- Norms and Persuasion - EJIR
- Rules of the Road: Using the Science of Persuasion When Buying a Car, by Steve Mirsky (Scientific American)
- Books:
- Cialdini, Robert B. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Quill, 1984
Contagion/ Tipping Points:
- Articles:
- Buzz- Accelerating Natural Contagion, by Emanuel Rosen
- EIS User Manual
- EIS Strategy Worksheet
- Rules of Epidemics and Idea Adoption
- VW Learns perils of 'viral' marketing
- The Spread of Options Backdating
- Detecting Influenza Epidemics Using Search Engine Query Data
- Mapping the Cultural Buzz - New York Times
- Everything Is Contagious - Slate
- Critical Mass on Corporate Boards: Why Three or More Women Enhance
Governance: Executive Summary, by Vicki W. Kramer
- Books:
- Gladwell, Malcolm. The Tipping Point. Little, Brown, 2000.
- "The Anatomy of Buzz" by Emanuel Rosen
Decision Making:
- Articles:
- Decision Biases across culture (Nature, 2020)
- What’s Going On in Your Brain? Common Investor Biases and Where They Come From (Credit Suisse, Oct 2015)
- The 12 cognitive biases that prevent you from being rational, George Dvorsky (io9)
- Experimental Research on Jury Decision-Making, by Robert J. MacCoun (Science)
- The Financial Benefits of Being Beautiful, by Derek Thompson (The Atlantic)
- What Drives Us to Do the Right Thing? by Robert M. Sapolsky (Wall Street Journal)
- The Importance of Cognitive Errors in Diagnosis and Strategies to Minimize Them, by Pat Croskerry
- Presumed association bias airplane flight example, by Loukia Loukopoulos
- Biases: Making Rational & Irrational Decisions, by Max Bazerman
- Psychology of Preferences, by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky
- Conscience Case
- Learning from Success, by James Vedder
- Expert Political Judgement, by Philip Tetlock
- How to Ignore the Yes-Man in Your Head - The Wall Street Journal
- How to test your decision- making instincts - McKinsey Quarterly
- Spillonomics: Underestimating Risk - New York Times
- Unselfish Behaviors - American Economic Review
- Neuropsychology of decision making - Science
- Decisions without Biased Blinders - Harvard Business Review
- Dale Erhardt and Accidents in NASCAR
- Books:
- Munger, Charlie. "The Psychology of Human Misjudgement." Speech at Harvard University, June 1995
- Yamagishi, Toshio. "Improving the Lemons Market with a Reputation System: An Experimental Study of Internet Auctioning." Hokkaido University, May 2002.
- Articles:
- How To Negotiate With Customer Service At Big Companies, by Lelia Gowland, Forbes Magazine
- How to Be an Ace Salary Negotiator (Even if You Hate Conflict) by A.C. Shilton, The New York Times
Groups and Teams:
- Articles:
- The diversity bonus in pooling local knowledge about complex problems (PNAS 2021)
- Team Building: Organizing a Team
- Conflict: An Important Dimension in Successful Management Teams
- The Stanford Prison Experiment, by Phil Zimbardo, et al.
- Trust in Teams Harvard Business Review
- Personality Effects - SMALL GROUP RESEARCH
- Face-to-Face vs. Computer Mediated - SMALL GROUP RESEARCH
- After Olympic experience, Krzyzewski emphasizes ball-handling
at Duke - WRAL Sports
- Books:
- Sellers, Mike. "Creating Effective Groups and Group Roles in MMP Games." Gamasutra, Sept. 2002.
- Hiring the Best: Some screening decisions that will help to eliminate mistakes when making hiring decisions, by Bruce Posner
- The Ultimate Risky Business: How Lloyd's of London Insures Its Own Future - Knowledge@Wharton
- The Bonds of Time, The Economist
- The Audacity of Hoops, Sports Illustrated
General Interest:
- Articles:
- Books:
- Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel. W. W. Norton, 1997.
- Diamond, Jared. The Rise and Fall of the Third Chimpanzee. Vintage, 1992.