2024: |
IPR News: Study Explores Links Between Leadership, Social Media, and Violence During the Jan. 6 Insurrection (November 2024) |
WBBM Radio: Nov 7 AM Newsradio (November 2024)
The Wall Street Journal: The Generosity Power Move That Can Boost Your Career (October 2024) |
Science News DK: The power of words: how promotional language drives scientific innovation (August 2024) |
Kellogg Insight: Unique. Revolutionary. Fundamental. A Little Hype Can Help Scientists Win Grants (June 2024) |
Kellogg Insight: Organizations Are Complex. Complexity Science Can Help Us Understand Them (February 2024) |
IPR News: ‘An Existential Crisis’ for Science (February 2024) |
2023: |
The Daily Northwestern: Northwestern researchers achieve AI breakthroughs (November 2023) |
Kellogg School: Kellogg creates first research institute applying complexity sciences to unlock new understandings of societal, market and business issues (September 2023) |
Poets&Quants: $25 Million Gift Funds Kellogg’s First-Of-Its-Kind Research Institute For Complex Problems (September 2023) |
Chicago Tribune: Funded by the same $480 million gift as stadium proposal, Ryan Institute launches at Northwestern (September 2023) |
Kellogg Insight: How AI Can Help Researchers Navigate the “Replication Crisis” (July 2023) |
Time: The 7 Biggest Challenges Twitter’s New CEO Faces (June 2023) |
Kellogg Insight: "Will AI Kill Human Creativity?" (Reprint of Forbes column, May 2023) |
Forbest: Will AI Kill Human Creativity? What Fake Drake Tells Us About What’s Ahead (Column written by Brian Uzzi, May 2023) |
Kellogg Insight: What Should Leaders Make of the Latest AI? (April 2023) |
2022: |
New York Times: Oversight Board Criticizes Meta for Preferential Treatment (December 2022) |
Forbes: Twitter Is “Running A Musk” (Column written by Brian Uzzi, December 2022) |
Forbes: Why Women Need A Professional Network (November 2022) |
Scientific American: A Massive LinkedIn Study Reveals Who Actually Helps You Get That Job (September 2022) |
Kellogg Insight: Gender-Balanced Teams Do Better Work (September 2022) |
Science: News at a glance: Gender diversity sparks discovery (September 2022) |
Inside Higher Ed: The Case for Gender-Diverse Research Teams (August 2022) |
Fast Company: Behavioral scientists have discovered the secret recipe for team success—gender diversity (August 2022) |
Northwestern Now: What happens when women and men work together? (August 2022) |
NICO: Brian Uzzi receives the Euler Award from the Network Science Society (July 2022) |
ABC7 Eyewitness News: What are NFTs: How to avoid NFT scams before you invest (June 2022) |
Forbes: Automation Is Critical For Your Business - But Use With Care (Part One), (Column written by Brian Uzzi, June 2022) |
Physics: Prizes Are Not Always a Win for Science (June 2022) |
Washington Examiner: A dash of fresh blood (June 2022) |
Daily Mail: Time to head back to the office? Working from home via Zoom is BAD for brainstorming and leads to fewer creative ideas than in-person meetings, study finds (April 2022) |
The Guardian: Workers think less creatively in Zoom meetings, study finds (April 2022) |
Scientific American: Brainstorming on Zoom Hampers Creativity (April 2022) |
Forbes: Ready For The Metaverse? Here’s How We Can Make The Most Of It, Safely (Column written by Brian Uzzi, March 2022) |
2021 |
USA Today: What makes Spotify’s Wrapped such a popular end-of-year tradition? FOMO (December 2021, PDF Version) |
Forbes: Instahiring Orchestrate Large-Scale Recruitment Processes To Hire With Speed, Confidence And Intelligence (November 2021) |
Kellogg Insight: Take 5: How to Become an Expert in Something New (October 2021) |
Physics: Evaluating the Role of Scientific Awards (Article by Ching Jin and Brian Uzzi, October 2021) |
Nature: Why COVID vaccines didn’t win a science Nobel this year (October 2021) |
Phys.org: Prize winning topics found to deliver more science papers and citations than non-prize-winning topics (October 2021) |
Physics World: Scientific fields that are awarded prizes see subsequent research boon, finds study (October 2021) |
Times Higher Education: Research areas that win science prizes ‘see 40 per cent growth’ (October 2021) |
Chemistry World: How prizes contribute to the ‘extraordinary growth’ of a scientific field (October 2021) |
36Kr: "What will happen in the next ten years when scientists are awarded?" (Article translated from Chinese, October 2021) |
CBS Chicago: Facebook, Instagram Crashed For Several Hours Worldwide, Social Media Giant ‘Apologizes For Inconvenience’ (October 2021) |
CBS Chicago: From Smashing Up Restrooms To Slapping Teachers, Schools Deal With Dangerous And Illegal TikTok Challenges (September 2021) |
Kellogg Insight:3 Ways AI Can Help You Improve Diversity. (Article written by Brian Uzzi, reprinted from Forbes, August 2021) |
Havard Business Review: "When You’re Stuck Working with a Slacker" (June 2021) |
Marketplace: "For companies trying to diversify their workforces, good data might be key" (April 2021) |
Kellogg Insight: How Does a Polarized U.S. Move Beyond Its Current Conflicts? (March 2021) |
BBC Radio 4: "Top of the Pops" (Podcast, March 2021) |
Poets & Quants: Supply Chain Icon Gives ‘Transformative’ Gift To Create Women’s Network (February 2021) |
Kellogg School: Kellogg redoubles its efforts to accelerate the advancement of women in business with transformative gift from Ann Drake ’84 (February 2021) |
NIU Newsroom: Spell check for research? Confronting the reproducibility crisis with explainable AI (January 2021) |
2020: |
The Scientist: Paper Recommends Women Avoid Female Mentors, Drawing Outrage (October 2020) |
Havard Business Review: AI Emerges As A Major Player In The Race To Find Covid-19 Therapies And Vaccines (Article by Brian Uzzi, November 2020) |
Vox: Science has been in a “replication crisis” for a decade. Have we learned anything? (October 2020) |
Kellogg Insight: How AI Can Help Weed Out Faulty Scientific Research (August 2020) |
Kellogg Insight: What’s the Secret Ingredient to Great Mentorship? (July 2020) |
Crain's Chicago Business: Gaming's MeToo is in our own backyard. Is it different this time? (June 2020) |
Chemistry World: Mentorship ‘strongly predicts’ protégé success in the sciences (June 2020) |
Ladders: "This is the most important aspect of teaching & mentorship, according to science" (June 2020) |
Northwestern Now: Sharing of tacit knowledge is most important aspect of mentorship, study finds (June 2020) |
Washington Post: Women ask for coffee, men tend to call in favors: Why pandemic networking is even harder for women (May 2020) |
The Naked Scientists: Publishing & Politics: How Science Gets Made (Podcast, May 2020) |
Fortune: How A.I. may help solve science’s ‘reproducibility’ crisis (May 2020) |
WSJ: Northwestern University Team Develops Tool to Rate Covid-19 Research (May 2020) |
Inverse: This simple AI could speed up the Covid-19 cure (May 2020) |
Northwestern Now: AI speeds up search for COVID-19 treatments and vaccines (May 2020) |
Kellogg Insight: Take 5: What Business Leaders Can Learn from the World of Sports (March 2020) |
IEDP: Mind-and-Machine, Brian Uzzi on how AI can offer the best of both worlds (January 2020) |
LinkedIn: Scholar Plot – Visualization of Research Careers Based on Open Data (January 2020) |
Kellogg Insight: The Psychology Behind Conflict—and When It Can Be Harnessed for Good (January 2020) |
Kellogg Insight: Your Work Friends and Enemies Are Affecting Your Performance (January 2020) |
Boston Globe: Modeling terrorist organizations as business startups (January 2020) |
2019: |
The Marker: Catch them while they are small (December 2019) (English Translation) |
Kellogg Insight Podcast: When Teams Mess Up, Who Takes the Fall? (December 2019) |
Kellogg Insight: What science can tell us about Building Great Teams (November 2019) |
Kellogg Insight: Dozens of New Terrorist Organizations Emerge Each Year. Which Ones Will Become Most Dangerous? (November 2019) |
Northwestern Now: Predicting terror activity before it happens (October 2019) |
Sky News: How lethal will a terror group become? Researchers say they can now predict that (October 2019) |
The Scientist: Can Prizes Help Women Shatter Science’s Glass Ceiling? (October 2019) |
Fortune: Learning to Love the Bot: Managers Need to Understand A.I. Logic Before Using It as a Business Tool (September 2019) |
Quartz: To land top jobs, women need different types of networks than men (August 2019) |
Chicago Tribune: An autonomous vehicle took on Chicago's thick morning traffic. Here's what happened. (June 2019) |
Psychology Today: What Kind of Network Predicts Success for Women MBA Grads? (June 2019) |
Kellogg Insight: For Teams, What Matters More: Raw Talent or a History of Success Together? (June 2019) |
Thrive Global: Why Women Need To Network Differently Than Men To Get Ahead (May 2019) |
Kellogg Insight: How Big is the Gender Gap in Science Research Funding? (May 2019) |
Voice of America: Study: Female Researchers Get Less Financial Support than Males (April 2019) |
JotForm Blog: Organizations don’t run out of good ideas - they overlook them (April 2019) |
QRIUS: To land top jobs, women need different types of networks than men (April 2019) |
Chicago Tribune: Big data is a big deal: KPMG will use an entire floor of Aon Center to help clients with emerging technologies (April 2019) |
Entrepreneur: Ladies, Here's How You Can Network To Attain Leadership Positions (April 2019) |
Northwestern Now: Women scientists get less federal funding than men (March 2019) |
Forbes: Women, Our Success May Rely On One Another (March 2019) |
U.S. News & World Report: Funding Gap Leaves Women Scientists at a Lifelong Disadvantage: Study (March 2019) |
Kellogg Insight: Take 5: How to Build a Collaborative Workplace (March 2019) |
Forbes: Why Women Need To Network Differently Than Men To Get Ahead (March 2019) |
Science: Men get larger first NIH grants, but is the news all bad for female scientists? (March 2019) |
Ars Technica: New study suggests women may be getting less money to start labs (March 2019) |
Smithsonian: Women in Science Receive Less Grant Money Than Their Male Peers (March 2019) |
Inverse: Study Reveals Size of US Government's Gender Pay Gap for Scientists (March 2019) |
WTTW: Female Scientists Receive $40K Less in Federal Funding Than Men (March 2019) |
Pacific Standard: New Female Scientists Get $40,000 Less in Federal Grants Than New Male Ones, Study Finds (March 2019) |
Crain's Chicago Business: Female scientists get less federal funding than men (March 2019) |
Inside Higher Ed: Smaller Pots for Women (March 2019) |
Reuters: Female scientists get smaller first-time grants than men (March 2019) |
Chicago Tribune: Female scientists receive on average about $40,000 less in federal funding (March 2019) |
New York Times: Another Obstacle for Women in Science: Men Get More Federal Grant Money (March 2019) |
Northwestern Now: Women scientists get less federal funding than men (March 2019) |
Inc.: This Simple Networking Trick Can Double How Much Women Make, According to a New Study of 4 Million Emails (March 2019) |
Kellogg Insight: To Land Top Jobs, Women Need Different Types of Networks than Men (March 2019) |
The Wall Street Journal: The Key to Building a Successful Team (February 2019 - PDF VERSION) |
Fortune: Broadsheet February 26 (February 2019) |
Harvard Business Review: Research: Men and Women Need Different Kinds of Networks to Succeed (Article by Brian Uzzi, February 2019) |
Forbes: Why Having An 'Inner Circle' Is The Best Thing For Your Career (February 2019) |
Harvard Business Review: Women Are Winning More Scientific Prizes, But Men Still Win the Most Prestigious Ones (Article by Brian Uzzi, February 2019) |
Kellogg Insight: Who Gets Blamed When a Group Project Goes Wrong? (February 2019) |
The Daily Northwestern: Women benefit from close-knit group of women in workplace, NU study says (February 2019) |
Fast Company: Women need other women to get ahead in the workplace, says science (January 2019) |
Chicago Tribune: Climbing the corporate ladder: Women need a female inner circle, men benefit from networking with everyone, study finds (January 2019) |
Good Morning America: Women need to network differently than men to succeed, study finds (January 2019, also appeared on ABC News). |
The Washington Post: Networking like a man isn’t enough. Successful women rely on other women to reach leadership roles, study finds (January 2019) |
Wired: For Women Job Seekers, Networking Like a Man Isn't Enough (January 2019) |
Inverse: To Land a Job, Women Need to Be Much Better Networkers Than Men, Study Says (January 2019) |
Northwestern Now: Most successful women surround themselves with other women (January 2019) |
Notre Dame News: Women, your inner circle may be key to gaining leadership roles (January 2019) |
The Conversation: Minding the gender gap in science prizes (January 2019) |
The Scientist: Women Who Win Science Prizes Earn Less Money, Prestige than Men (January 2019) |
Globes: The scientist studying how scientific discovery comes about (Article written in Hebrew, January 2019. English translation) |
CNN Business: How AI could make your life easier this year (Commentary by Brian Uzzi, January 2019) |
2018: |
Science: Yes, it is getting harder to publish in prestigious journals if you haven’t already (December 2018) |
Northwestern Engineering: In Team Sports, Chemistry Matters (December 2018) |
The London Economic: Is this the secret behind legendary seasons for teams such as Leicester City, Man City and Arsenal’s ‘invincibles’? (December 2018) |
Nature: What the Nobels are — and aren’t — doing to encourage diversity (October 2018) |
Chemistry World: The million dollar question (October 2018) |
Northwestern Now: The Bright Future of Machine Learning (August 2018) |
QRIUS: Collaboration and Creativity (June 2018) |
Harvard Business Review: Go Ahead, Skip that Networking Event (May 2018) |
Adaptive Space: Insularity Kills Discovery & Innovation (February 2018) |
Moneyish: How people in English, psychology, and other non-STEM fields can benefit from the coming robot revolution (January 2018) |
Medium: What Broadway Musicals Teach Us About Creative Collaboration (January 2018) |
Kellogg News: Kellogg prepares students for impact of human-machine intelligence (January 2018) |
Poets & Quants: B-Schools Predict What Awaits In 2018 (January 2018) |
2017: |
Harvard Business Review: How to Navigate the Politics of an Innovation Project (Article by Brian Uzzi, November 2017) |
Kellogg Insight: The Science Behind Word-of-Mouth Recommendations (November 2017) |
Northwestern Research Magazine: Better Together: Breakthrough Science the Northwestern Way (October 2017) |
The Christian Science Monitor: How information overload helps spread fake news (June 2017) |
Kellogg Insight: Take 5: How Humans Benefit as Machines Get Smarter (June 2017) |
Washington Post: How to be a better networker for people who hate networking (May 2017) |
Calcalist: Why you should do business with your friends (Article written in Hebrew, May 2017. In English: Google Translate version) |
New York Times: Right and Left React to Trump’s Comments on the Civil War (May 2017) |
Quartz: Social media is polarizing users faster than ever (April 2017) |
The Daily Mississippian: Artificial intelligence expert presents at CTX conference (April 2017) |
Hotty Toddy: CTX’ Tech And Talk Captivates Students, Community At Ole Miss Pavilion (April 2017) |
The Christian Science Monitor: Breakthroughs arise from a precise mix of old and new knowledge, say scientists (April 2017) |
Kellogg Insight: The Surprising Speed with Which We Become Polarized Online (April 2017) |
Kellogg Insight: Take 5: How to Encourage Innovative Thinking (April 2017) |
Marketplace: H&R Block is using artificial intelligence to help you do your taxes (February 2017) |
2016: |
Kellogg Insight Podcast: Will Machines Ever Truly Understand Us? (w/ Brian Uzzi, David Ferrucci and Sandra Waxman) |
The Wall Street Journal: "Tomorrow’s Business Leaders Learn How to Work with A.I." (December 2016) (PDF Version) |
U of Michigan News: "Debates: Linguistic trick boosts poll numbers" (October 2016) |
Forbes: "Why You Might Be Irrelevant At Work And Not Even Know It" (October 2016) |
Business Insider: There's a new algorithm that will alert Wall Streeters when they start freaking out (Sept 2016) |
Yahoo Finance: There's a new algorithm that will alert Wall Streeters when they start freaking out (Sept 2016) |
LinkedIn Pulse: How Humans Plus Machines Will Equal Amazing Advancements (Article by Moran Cerf & Brian Uzzi, September 2016, Originally published in Entrepreneur) |
Bloomberg: Wall Street’s Next Frontier Is Hacking Into Emotions of Traders (Sept 2016) |
Yahoo Finance: Wall Street’s Next Frontier Is Hacking Into Emotions of Traders (Sept 2016) |
Northwestern Research Magazine: Inside the Numbers: From Broadway to biomedicine and the DC Beltway, Big Data is helping Northwestern experts unlock the secrets of creativity and connection. (June 2016) |
Kellogg Insight: Banks May Soon Use Our Facebook Friends to Assess Our Creditworthiness. Should We Worry? (June 2016, Article by Brian Uzzi) |
Early to Rise: How to Get the Biggest ROI at Live Events (June 2016)
Northwestern News Special Feature: Data Science: A seismic shift changing how we research and learn (May 2016) |
Northwestern News: McCormick Making a Difference in New Era of Data Science (May 2016) |
Bloomberg: Ready to make a risky decision? Your words suggest otherwise (May 2016) |
LinkedIn Pulse: An airline cancelled my flight and put me in a van. Along the way, I got lots of lessons on how *not* to network (May 2016) |
The Oklahoman: First impressions, handshakes are key to women in leadership (April 2016) |
Inc: 2 Tech Trends Every Company Should Watch (April 2016) |
Fortune: This Can Be Hillary Clinton's Secret Weapon In Tonight’s Debate (Article by Brain Uzzi, March 2016) |
Fortune: Everyone Will Tweet About This Ad On Super Bowl Sunday (Article by Brian Uzzi, February 2016) |
University of Michigan News: Bulls, bears and turtles: How a hedge fund firm’s social network reacts to market swings (February 2016, featuring research by Daniel Romero, Brian Uzzi, and Jon Kleinberg) |
Entrepreneur: How Humans Plus Machines Will Equal Amazing Advancements (Article by Moran Cerf & Brian Uzzi, February 2016) |
Inc: What You Need to Know About Making Money in 2016: Collaboration between people and machines has never been more important (January 2016) |
2015: |
Kellogg Insight: Three Ways Machine Learning Will Help Leaders Become Better Decision Makers (November 2015) |
Lifehacker: Four Sneaky Ways to Trick Your Enemies Into Becoming Allies (October 2015) |
The Verge: In an unequal society, feeling richer than others makes you a jerk (September 2015) |
Huffington Post: Neuro-tips: Deep Connection at Work (September 2015) |
Fast Company: 3 Ways To Turn Rivals Into Collaborators (August 2015) |
Observer: The No. 1 Predictor of Career Success According to Network Science (August 2015) |
Santa Barbara Independent: UCSB Granted $6.25 Million for Teamwork Study (August 2015) See also: UCSB researchers awarded MURI grant to study network science of teams (August 2015) |
New York Magazine: These Social-Science Nuggets Can Make You a Smarter Debate-Watcher (August 2015, featuring research by Daniel Romero, Roderick Swaab, Brian Uzzi, and Adam Galinsky.) |
The Boston Globe: Debate tip: Follow your opponent’s lead (August 2015) |
Pacific Standard: As My Esteemed Opponent Just Said... (August 2015) |
Harvard Business Review: Great Leaders Can Think Like Each Member of Their Team (Article by Brian Uzzi, July 2015) |
Kellogg Insight: Can Computers Make Us Better Thinkers? (July 2015) |
Kellogg Insight: Watson Is Just the Beginning (An interview with David Ferrucci during the Computational Social Science Summit, July 2015) |
Kellogg News: Merging big data with social science - Kellogg’s first-ever Computational Social Science Summit features collaboration and human-machine partnerships (May 2015) |
Inc: Are You an "O" Type Marketer? (May 2015) |
Northwestern Engineering Magazine: More Than the Sum of its Parts: Northwestern scientists and engineers work to understand and predict the behaviors of complex systems (Spring 2015) |
Kellogg Insight: The Ultimate Data Set - Computational Social Science Aims to Discover Universal Facts (April 2015) |
Harvard Business Review: How to Respond When Someone Takes Credit for Your Work (April 2015) |
Financial Sense News Hour: Brian Uzzi on Insect-Like Synchronization Among Day Traders | (MP3 Download) (April 2015) |
WNYC: What to Do About Your Worst Work Enemy (March 2015) |
International Business Times: Shazam And Spotify's Grammy Picks Are More Accurate Than Billboard's. Here's Why. (February 2015) |
LinkedIn Pulse: Entrepreneurship through Networking (January 2015) |
Business Insider: Here's The No. 1 Predictor Of Career Success, According To Network Science (January 2015) |
Forbes: The No. 1 Predictor Of Career Success According To Network Science (January 2015) |
2014: |
Kellogg Insight: Understanding How Stock Traders Forage for Profit (December 2014) |
Poets & Quants: Big Data Drawing Big Student Enrollments (December 2014) |
Forbes: The One Thing You Should Know About Deeply Connecting With Anyone (November 2014) |
HBR Blog Network: Fixing a Work Relationship Gone Sour (August 2014) |
Calcalist (Israel) : How enemies become friends in the workplace (April 2014) |
McCormick School of Engineering: Complexity Institute Receives Significant Gift for New Research (February 2014) |
Accenture / Vaahini Network: Networks help individuals transcend their own limitations (January 2014) |
2013: |
CBS Smart Planet: Five ideas for management innovation (November 2013) |
The Chronicle of Higher Education - Microbiology Leaves the Solo Author Behind (November 2013) |
Kellogg Insight - A “Virtuous Mix” Allows Innovation to Thrive (November 2013) |
Feinberg School of Medicine - Annual Conference Explores Science of Team Science (June 2013) |
News @ Northeastern - How to quantify success (June 2013) |
Science - Network Science at Center Of Surveillance Dispute (June 2013) |
CNC World - U.S. experts: big data boosts business understanding of consumers (VIDEO) (June 2013) |
The Chronicle - Duke alum launches app to showcase artists' work (April 2013) |
The Scientist - Financial Foraging (February 2013) |
Lanacion (Argentina): Can we live without email? (January 2013) |
2012: |
Kellogg News - Q&A: Professor Brian Uzzi - The network expert explains the thinking behind 'NetSci2012'(June 2012) |
Science Now - Who Controls Social Networks? (June 2012) |
The Wall Street Journal - Is 'You' a Good Investment? (May 2012) |
Accounts ASA Economic Sociology Newsletter - Is There a Canon in Economic Sociology? (May 2012) |
The New York Times - How to Cultivate Eureka Moments (April 2012) |
Slate - How creativity works: What Broadway musicals really teach us about collaboration (March 2012) |
Fortune - The real way to build a social network (January 2012) |
The New Yorker - Groupthink (January 2012) |
Co.Design - The Brainstorming Process Is B.S. But Can We Rework It? (January 2012) |
2011: |
Toronto Star - Email study shows how we treat friends and strangers (December 2011) |
The Wall Street Journal:
Boston Globe - Choose your sign-off (December 2011) |
LifeHacker - Speed Of Email Response Reflects How Well You Know The Sender (December 2011) |
Science - E-mail Reveals Your Closest Friends (November 2011) |
Reuters - Entrepreneurial Hotbeds: A Homegrown Mix Of Science And Luck (October 2011) |
Correio Braziliense - "Vocabulário da rede" (August 2011) |
Kellogg Insight - "Where Busy Bees and Business Converge: The striking similarities between ecological and organizational networks" (July 2011) |
Arab News - "Exploring the science of creativity in focus at Cannes Lions festival" (June 2011) |
Business Day - "Street Dogs: Instant messaging helps traders buy and sell at the right time" (March 2011) |
The Wall Street Journal - "Herds on the Street: Why messaging traders are like scared fish" (March 2011) |
Science - "The Strange Symphony of the Stock Traders" (March 2011) |
U.S. News and World Reports - "Jumping on the Bandwagon Brings Rewards" (March 2011) |
Bloomberg - "Cicada-Like Traders Moving in Sync Have Greater Gains, Researchers Say" (March 2011) |
Kellogg Insight - "Synchronicity Pays: Instant messaging helps traders buy and sell at the right time" (March 2011) |
Ars Technica - "Successful day traders stay in the black by syncing up via IM" (March 2011) |