Jasmine Green
Vice President and Chief Customer Advocate, Nationwide Insurance

Nationwide Insurance Vice President and Chief Customer Advocate Jasmine Green earned her Kellogg Executive Scholar Certificate in Leadership. She shared her perspectives on Kellogg's atmosphere, taking the time to invest in yourself and core competencies Kellogg helped her fill.

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What attracted you to Kellogg specifically?

  • I’ve been with my company, Nationwide Insurance, for 33 years. I’ve been in different roles, including working for the president of western operations. My manager had taken an executive education program and recommended I do the same. I took a program at another institution that didn’t quite meet my needs. I advanced again and wanted more education. A brochure came across my desk for a particular program. The curriculum really spoke to me, and then when I learned about the Scholars program it felt like it really applied to me because I could tailor it to what I needed at the time.

As part of your executive’s personal goals, has Kellogg helped you fill a competency or leadership gap?

  • There have been a number of competencies I’ve improved. The accounting program on shareholder value, for instance, helped refresh my accounting knowledge and allowed me to use value calculation in Nationwide. The Soul of Leadership taught me about coming into the zone of relaxation, how to put things in perspective. I still do the meditations today and it’s crucial for the leaders to take that time for themselves.

How did exposure to executives from all over the world help broaden your perspective?

  • I love the idea of having the international community. There were differences and similarities around what we all face. Through our conversations, I found things I can take back to my organization. It was part of the total package of Kellogg; the perfect opportunity to go and learn.

What would you say to someone who feels they can’t get away from the office to take a program?

  • The time to develop yourself is more important. You have to focus on your development, invest in yourself and become a better leader not only within your own shop, but elsewhere. You’re never too busy to develop yourself.

We like to describe the Allen Center's atmosphere as being like a learning retreat. Would you agree?

  • The environment was perfect, exactly what any executive needs. You need to have the opportunity to disconnect yourself from the office and immerse yourself in the program. I was able to network — I made lifelong networking partners that I stay in touch with today. The atmosphere was great. It was wonderful to sit at lunch and speak with professors and go over what you’ve learned. You don’t get that in other settings. Plus, the scenery is totally breathtaking and serene on the water.

What sets the Kellogg experience apart?

  • At Kellogg, I had the opportunity to meet great people and form lasting business connections. I love the breakout sessions as they allowed an appreciation of different businesses, cultures and perspectives.

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