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Kellogg has a great responsibility — and the unique ability — to shape extraordinary global leaders who drive meaningful change in business and society. Explore how Kellogg creates a space where all students can tap into their own stories and the lived wisdom of others to flourish as leaders. 

Our commitment

We are dedicated to creating a respectful environment where everyone is free to thrive as themselves. Where purposeful, accomplished people build bonds with each other and shape the future of leadership.  

As organizations and markets continue to become more global, more complex and more contentious, we must prepare our students to be able to engage with those intricacies effectively and innovatively.  

We envision the future of global leadership as one that reflects the communities our students will be leading. And it’s through this commitment that we will generate value and measure our legacy in the world. 


Ambitious, adaptive teams
Our collaborative focus leverages the power of teams with multiple perspectives, lived experiences and variety of talents that can tackle the most serious and inspiring challenges of our time. 
Fruitful environments
Trust and belonging are requirements of effective collaboration, freeing us to flourish while developing a deeper understanding of the world around us. 
Lasting legacies of leadership
Our leaders go on to grow stronger organizations and markets because they deeply understand them and are positioned to identify novel solutions that drive compassionate, courageous change. 

Creating spaces of curiosity together

In order to uphold our commitment to creating a community of high-impact global leaders, we’ve identified three strategic objectives: (1) value perspectives across a full spectrum of experiences, talents, interests and ambitions; (2) increase academic exposure to research and frameworks related to harnessing the full potential of people; and (3) provide an exemplary community experience.

Uplifting unique perspectives among students, staff and faculty

We are committed to nourishing a community with wide-ranging viewpoints across a broad spectrum of expertise, strengths and aspirations. Join conversations filled with empathetic and driven people — your new global community. Today’s top leaders are great listeners as well as speakers, and Kellogg opens up incredible opportunities for honing both essential skills.

Exposure to research and academic frameworks that harness the full potential of people

In response to our community wanting to better understand how to lead in an increasingly complex global world — as well as Kellogg’s own priority to equip students to effectively lead cross-cultural teams — we launched several initiatives to address these needs. Here are just a few:

Provide an exemplary community experience

Learn how our community strives to discover shared experiences and ambitions, push our society and businesses forward together, and build connections that last for a lifetime. Read more about how Kellogg connects people:

Social Impact

Community Revitalization Is Hard to Get Right. Here’s How It Can Succeed.

“The basic amenities people want are pretty universal, but every community has its own priorities and ideals.”
8 minute read