Kellogg’s recruiting policies were developed in the best interests of our students, faculty and corporate partners. The recruiting experience is enhanced by adherence to these policies. They apply to any organization recruiting a Kellogg student. Organizations will be held accountable for the actions of their representatives; therefore we recommend that these policies be communicated to recruiters, interviewers and hiring managers.

The intention of these policies is to create an environment where students are able to make educated, purposeful decisions and create an equitable recruiting landscape for all employers. Failure to abide by these policies may necessitate sanctions* for the violating company.

Click here to download a guide highlighting ways to engage Kellogg students.

*Sanctions may include: inclusion on a list of non-compliant companies (located on the student website), implications for event/interview scheduling or restricted access to students.

Academic Commitments

The CMC’s priority is to support the academic mission of the school. Our students' first priority is class and academic requirements. We expect employers to support Kellogg’s academic mission by providing reasonable alternatives for engagements when there is a class or assignment conflict.

Decision Deadline Dates (2024/2025)

Internship Decision Deadline

  • An internship offer must remain open and fundamentally unchanged until February 14, 2025, or one week, whichever is later.* Students may accept an offer before February 14, 2025 if they so desire; however, they cannot be obligated to respond sooner.

Full-Time Decision Deadline

  • If the full-time offer is from the student’s summer intern employer, the offer must remain open and fundamentally unchanged until November 1, 2024, or one week, whichever is later.* Students may accept an offer before November 1, 2024 if they so desire; however, they cannot be obligated to respond sooner.
  • For all other situations, the offer must remain open and fundamentally unchanged until December 6, 2024, or one week, whichever is later.* Students may accept an offer before December 6, 2024 if they so desire; however, they cannot be obligated to respond sooner.

*Change in bonus incentives is acceptable.

Organizations sometimes establish an earlier decision date than outlined above and do not accommodate a later decision date when asked by a Kellogg student. In these cases the Kellogg CMC will not consider an offer as reneged if the student accepts and then declines the offer in the time window outlined above. 

Pre-MBA Decision Deadline Dates (2024/2025)

Pre-MBA Decision Deadline Dates (2024/2025)

  • An internship offer made prior to August 23, 2024 to an incoming (non-matriculated) first year Kellogg student must remain open and fundamentally unchanged until November 22, 2024.* Students may accept an offer before November 22, 2024 if they so desire; however, they cannot be obligated to respond sooner. This allows students to fully explore and understand the recruiting landscape and be allowed the time to develop an understanding of their interests and options..

    Organizations sometimes establish an earlier decision date than outlined above and do not accommodate a later decision date when asked by a Kellogg student. In these cases the Kellogg CMC will not consider an offer as reneged if the student accepts and then declines the offer in the time window outlined above.

*Change in bonus incentives is acceptable.

Availability of Students (2024/2025)

Summer Internships

  • First year students will be available to begin their internships on or after June 9, 2025. Classes and final exams are scheduled in accordance with Kellogg’s Academic Calendar.

Full Time Employment

  • Second year students will be available to begin work on or after June 16, 2025. Classes, final exams and convocation are scheduled in accordance with Kellogg’s Academic Calendar.
  • Students in the Evening & Weekend or Executive MBA (EMBA) programs may be available to start work prior to graduation.


  • In an effort to help ensure that all students are evaluated equally, please work with our office to provide the same interview experience for all candidates on your schedule. 
  • When scheduling 2nd round interviews, employers must offer at least two date options so that students may plan around their academic schedule.  
  • Employers should work around any issues with internet firewalls or certain software/websites/programs not being accessible to certain candidates or interviewers, providing alternate options as needed.

Pre-Recruiting Events

When planning interview related events, please consider students’ academic calendars and recruiting commitments. Students routinely are asked to balance multiple recruiting events and company touch points in the evenings leading up to an interview date. Planning an event with a flexible start and end time will allow students to manage their academic and recruiting schedules.

Sanctions for Policy Infractions: Employer Non-compliance List

Violations of Kellogg’s recruiting policies will be evaluated on a case by case basis. In addition to the policies above, Kellogg considers the following to be infractions of our recruiting policies:

  • An offer (verbal or written) which is rescinded or withdrawn prior to the student accepting or declining
  • An offer decision deadline which is not in compliance with Kellogg’s Decision Deadline Dates (see above). This also prohibits the use of “exploding offers”.
  • A delayed start date (date pushed back from original agreed upon date)
  • A significant change to an agreed upon offer, such as salary, location or duration of an internship
  • Internship recruiting events held prior to the start of the on campus recruiting period
Kellogg encourages our students to report noncompliance of recruiting policies to the CMC. Kellogg CMC staff will then investigate the matter and communicate directly with the employer. In the case that a matter is not resolved, any of the following corrective actions may be taken: 
  • Communication from the school to the senior management of the company informing them of the policy infraction.
  • Restriction of the company’s access to students which may include: panel/industry discussions, corporate presentations, club events, or other recruiting activities.
  • Exclusion of the company from on-campus recruiting activities.
  • Inclusion on student facing Employer Policy Non-compliance list.

Just as we expect our employers to adhere to stated policies, we have also established a Recruiting Code of Conduct for our students. If you feel that students are behaving in an unprofessional manner, please reach out to your contact on our team.

Student Eligibility for On-Campus Recruiting Even If "On-Campus" Is Virtual

On-campus recruiting is available for Full-Time or CMC eligible Evening & Weekend Kellogg students. Student populations that are not eligible for our services, and thus cannot interview using our systems or participate in CMC scheduled events, include non-CMC eligible Kellogg students (Evening & Weekend, Executive MBA, PhD), alumni, Northwestern undergraduates or students in other Northwestern graduate programs and students from other universities. These non-eligible candidates may reach out to you and you are free to interview them outside of the Kellogg-supported recruitment process.

Please contact your Industry Relationship Manager if you would like to discuss the recruiting channels available for the broader Kellogg and Northwestern University student population.

Northwestern's Anti-Discrimination Statement

Click here to read Northwestern's Anti-Discrimination Statement and employer expectations.

Kellogg's Grade Non-Disclosure Statement

Grade disclosure or non-disclosure is a student’s individual decision and responsibility at any time while pursuing a degree at Kellogg including during the recruiting process. Kellogg adheres to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which prohibits an educational institution from disclosing grades to third parties without the written or explicit consent of the student.

Contact Us

Career Management Center
2211 Campus Drive
Global Hub, Room 2310
Evanston, IL 60208