Successful MBA recruitment means building meaningful relationships and engaging students throughout the year.

Kellogg students are most compelled to engage with recruiters and strongly consider employment offers when recruiters build a meaningful, one-on-one relationships with students through direct communication. Students are also most attracted to strong employer brands – companies with a consistent value proposition and visibility into its values, culture and experiential opportunities.

The CMC and Kellogg faculty and staff have created diverse opportunities for alumni and recruitment partners to reach students year-round, beyond on-campus recruitment.

Student Clubs

Student Club events and sponsorships are an excellent way to introduce your company to a targeted group of students. Some clubs host "Lunch and Learns" — educational events during which a company’s senior managers discuss significant business issues or cases in a Kellogg classroom, with an opportunity to discuss employment at the end of the event. Lunch and Learns offer compelling content for all students, not just job seekers.

To find out more about Kellogg student clubs and groups, please visit our List of Club Websites.

Ways to Engage/Student Clubs
Kellogg students lead and organize clubs, which play a vital role in enhancing and supporting the student experience.  Please work with student club contacts to understand what events the club has planned that your organization may support. Space is limited as clubs can host up to three events per week (total includes both events with & without company participation).

  • Type – Events run through clubs must be educational. Recruiting related content must run through the Kellogg CMC.
  • Quantity – Companies are able to sponsor up to two events per quarter across all clubs (space & interest permitting). This allows clubs to best manage qualitative programming as well as accommodate the level of company interest.
  • Timing – First-year involved company sponsored events without networking or attendance taking can begin September 26. Networking and attendance taking at these types of events can begin October 10. Second year only events can begin at any time.
  • Multi-firm events – These are encouraged and do not count towards a firm’s two events per quarter.

Other Notes:

  • Participation in CIM (New Student Orientation) or student conferences does not count towards a firm’s two events. If you are interested in participating, please contact Corporate Engagement
  • Blanket emails to a class from a company are not permitted.

Questions? Contact: 

Other Engagement Opportunities:

Student-Hosted Networking Events

Newsletter Promotion

  • Student clubs send weekly newsletters but have different practices around publicizing non-club company events. Contact individual clubs for deadlines and guidelines. Events can be publicized no more than two weeks in advance.
  • Contact club leaders for their policies on including events or application deadlines in their upcoming newsletter
  • View a list of clubs and find the appropriate contact information


Treks provide a unique opportunity for both companies and students to engage and build a relationship in a real-world setting through a short-term experience.

Student-led treks are company visits in various industries around the U.S. to learn firsthand about a respective industry, business model or company.

Organizations interested in hosting students are welcome to reach out to the CMC.

Experiential Learning Opportunities

Experiential learning is a collaboration among faculty members, students, alumni and corporate partners, exposing students to real-world business challenges. It also provides a unique opportunity for corporate partners to engage Kellogg students out of the classroom and help them gain a better understanding of your industry and organization.

For more information on experiential learning visit the student website or reach out directly to Lisa Hammond, Associate Director of Registration & Records.

Contact Us

Career Management Center
2211 Campus Drive
Global Hub, Room 2310
Evanston, IL 60208

Pages in Career Management Center for Employers