Course Information
Click here to learn about some of the most commonly referenced course policies. Each policy is set forth in detail in the MBA Academic Policies Manual, a resource to enable incoming and current students to manage their academic experience while seeking an MBA at Kellogg and to understand their rights and responsibilities while enrolled in the MBA program.
View descriptions of majors, certificates, and pathways in the various Kellogg academic departments and strategic initiatives.
Kellogg's Academic Departments occasionally provide departmental information and advice applicable to a specific quarter, or to your overall academic journey. We will post that information here as it becomes available. Feel free to make recommendations as to additional communications that should be included.
These courses offer you a chance to practice the skills you have learned or are learning in the classroom by working in project teams on real-world business problems.
Learn about the policies and registration details applicable to both Independent and Field Students. You can also find a link to the Independent and Field Study registration form.
Kellogg students are eligible to take up to one non-Kellogg Northwestern course per quarter (after the first quarter of enrollment). More details are available here.
Global Programs at Kellogg manages our international exchange programs as well as one of our courses -- Global Initiatives in Management ("GIM").
The Kellogg Honor Code governs student conduct pertaining to all academic, placement, and extracurricular activities associated with the Kellogg School of Management. All students enrolled in a course offered by the Kellogg School of Management agree to abide by the code.