Core Course Waivers
Core Course Waivers
General Information
Providing students with the opportunity to waive core courses and enrich their Kellogg academic experience by taking a greater number of advanced electives is a priority for the school. The school encourages students with previous relevant academic coursework or work experience to consider waiving eligible core courses.
Types of Waivers
Two types of waivers are available. A Partial Waiver allows a student to substitute an approved upper-level course to fulfill the core course requirement, while a Full Waiver means the core course requirement for that particular course is fulfilled and no other courses are required to complete that requirement. Core course waivers do not reduce the minimum number of quarters or credits required for graduation.
In the Full-Time program there are three ways to obtain a waiver; through the admissions process (1Y Program only), by application, and/or by exam. The Admissions office and Kellogg faculty make waiver decisions and have final authority.
How to Obtain a Waiver
By application: Those who meet minimum academic requirements, including relevant course work at an accredited institution, may receive a waiver by application for certain core courses. If the faculty award a waiver by application, it is not necessary to attempt the waiver exam.
By exam: Those who haven’t completed academic course work or weren't awarded a waiver by application may choose to sit for a waiver exam if one is offered for that course. Anyone may attempt waiver exams, regardless of background or whether or not a waiver application was submitted. It is not necessary to submit a transcript or syllabi to take a waiver exam. Students may attempt a given waiver exam only once.
Type of Waivers Available by Course
Important! Awarded waivers don’t have to be exercised and a student may choose to enroll in the core class even if one is received. However, students will not have another opportunity to submit a waiver application or sit for a waiver exam after the posted deadlines/dates. This policy applies to all core courses, regardless of which quarter or year the student will complete them at Kellogg. The table below provides general dates; please refer to the relevant program’s admitted student website or intranet for more specific information on eligible core classes and associated deadlines.
Waiver Applications
Waiver Exams
August, October
June, August, October
Waivers with Admissions Application
Prior to Enrollment
* 1Y students may only attempt to waive Accounting and Finance through the waiver application/exam process; all other waivers must be granted prior to enrollment via the Admission Application.
Waiver Results
Waiver exams and applications are submitted to departments for grading or approval soon after the exam dates and application deadlines. Approximately two weeks after department submission, you will be notified that results will be viewable online:
Please email FT Academic Advising if you have any questions about core course waivers.