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Working Papers:

Hershfield, H., Cohen, T. and Thompson, L. (in press). Short horizons and tempting situations: Lack of continuity to our future selves leads to unethical decision making and behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

Thompson, L. (in progress). The creative conspiracy: How the secrets of collaboration can transform your organization. Harvard Business School press.

Menon, T. and Thompson, L. (in progress). The money fix: Costless ways to create value at work. Harvard Business School press.

Thompson, L. and Cohen, T. (in press). Negotiation and group decision making. In M. Zeelenberg and D. Stapel (Eds.), Behavioral economics and economic psychology. Frontiers in Social Psychology, Psychology press.

Thompson, L., Richardson, E. and Lucas, B. (in press). Future directions in negotiation. In G.E. Bolton and R. Croson (Eds.). The Oxford handbook of economic conflict resolution. New York, NY: Oxford University press.

Thompson, L., Richardson, E., and Lucas, B. (in press). Negotiation for the future. In B. Goldman and D. Shapiro (Eds.). The psychology of negotiations in the 21st century workplace: SIOP Frontier series. LEA: Psychology press.

Thompson, L., Lucas, B. and Richardson, E. (in progress). Negotiation bandwidth. In N.M. Ashkanasy, O.B. Ayoko and K.A. Jehn (Eds.). Handbook of Research in Conflict Management. Edward Edgar Publishing, UK.

Lucas, B. and Thompson, L. (in preparation). Pride and pratfalls: Embarrassing stories increase team creativity.

Cohen, T., Leonardelli, G. and Thompson, L. (under review). Avoiding the agreement bias: Teams facilitate impasse in negotiations with negative bargaining zones.

Study abstracts list

Behfar, K. (2004). The Exchange Contract in autonomous groups: Behaviors and work strategies for sustainable performance.

Phillips, K (2004). Who’s Listening? The Impact of Status on Expert Behavior and Audio Response in Groups.

Wang, C. (2004). Directive versus Transformational Leaderships: Consequences for Group Processes.

Diermeier, D. (2003). Decision Making in Groups with Diverse Preferences: The Proposer-Pivot Model

Leonardelli, G. (2003). Optimal Distinctiveness and Nested Groups.

Lount, R. (2003). Deciding When to Work Hard…

Anderson, C. (2002). Emotional Convergence in Teams and Across Cultures.

Anderson, C. (2002). The Social Function of Emotions: Cohesion, Communication, and Commitment.

Dumas, T. (2002). Identity and Multiple Group Membership.

Galinsky, A. (2002). Power: Effects on Social Inference and Social Interaction.

Rosette, A. (2002). Privilege and Unaware: A Recipe for Discrimination and Prejudice.

Uzzi, B. (2002). Emergence: The Study of the Formation of Network Structures.

Berger, G. A.. (2001). Confirmation Bias in Panel vs. Dyadic Interviews.

Durkin, E. (2001). Knowledge Sharing in an Interdisciplinary Human Service Team.

Ghaziani, A. (2001). Boundary Objects, Intergroup Dynamics, and Organizational Meaning-Making: Evidence from the Business Model Construct.

Choi, Hoon-Seok. (2001). Idea Generation in Groups: Effects of Change in Group Composition.

Ku, G. (2001). Minority Groups in the U.S. and Singapore: The Effects of Cultural Differences on Majority and Minority Influence.

Loyd, D. (2001). The Risk of Categorization: Perceptions of the Normative, Category-Based Expectations of Others.

Medvec, V. (2001). Is Our Absence as Conspicuous as We Think?: Overestimating the Noticeability and Impact of One’s Absence from a Group.

Dyer, S. (2000). Jury Focus Group Project.
Medvec, V. (2000). Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?: Counterfactual Cutoffs and Egocentric Biases.

Swol, L.V. (2000). The Effects of Non-Verbal Imitation in Groups.

White, J. (2000). We Have One, But She’s Not Working Out: Solo Status, Self-Awareness, and Performance.

©2001 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University