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The next step in your career is around the corner

Exploring your career path is an exciting journey. Don't wait.

Whether you're looking to make a career switch, advance in your current industry, or launch something new, the Kellogg Career Management Center partners with you to find the right connections, insights, and opportunities to meet your goals.

As one of the main stops for recruiters from a wide array of companies — from innovative startups and competitive PE/VC firms to Fortune 500 companies — we are extremely proud of the strong demand for our students and graduates.

Two-Year MBA Employment Outcomes

Class of 2023: Consulting: 42%, Financial Services: 22%, Technology: 17%, Consumer Packaged Goods: 7%, Healthcare: 3%, Manufacturing: 2%, Retail: 2%
Median total compensation*
Median base salary
Median signing bonus
*Median Total Compensation is calculated by taking the median of total compensation data for reporting 2Y graduates. Total compensation data includes base compensation and signing bonus. 85% of Kellogg 2Y graduates accepting positions received a sign on bonus. 
*Percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number and may not add up to 100%. Representative of the 2Y population.

Two-Year MBA graduate acceptances by industry

Industry Base salary range
Average Base salary median Signing bonus median¹
Consulting 41.91% $85,000-235,000 $181,638 $190,000 $30,000
Consumer Packaged Goods 6.90% $110,000-153,000 $131,875 $128,500 $30,000
Apparel/Textiles 1.59% $125,000-147,000 $138,833 $142,500 $32,500
Food and Beverage 3.18% $110,000-153,000 $131,545 $128,000 $30,000
Household/Personal 1.86% $120,000-129,000 $125,833 $126,500 $42,500
Financial Services 22.02% $85,000-450,000 $184,250 $175,000 $50,000
Diversified Financial Services 1.06% $158,000-171,000 $164,500 $164,500 $42,500
Investment Banking/Brokerage 7.69% $145,000-216,000 $173,741 $175,000 $57,500
Private Equity 9.81% $85,000-450,000 $199,078 $190,000 *
Venture Capital 1.33% $165,000-275,000 $200,000 $180,000 *
Healthcare 3.18% $112,500-160,000 $136,694 $132,500 $30,000
Manufacturing 2.39% $120,000-175,000 $135,750 $131,000 $30,000
Retail 2.12% $120,000-160,000 $134,375 $127,500 $27,500
Technology 16.71% $120,000-200,000 $156,992 $155,000 $25,000
Equipment/Hardware/Networking 1.06% $145,000-150,000 $148,250 $149,000 $60,000
FinTech 2.12% $140,000-180,000 $152,500 $147,500 $12,500
General Technology 3.45% $142,000-189,000 $166,091 $165,000 $25,000
Internet Services/E-Commerce 5.31% $132,250-200,000 $163,169 $160,500 $54,650
Software 3.98% $120,000-185,000 $150,885 $147,000 $25,000
¹This table includes signing bonuses in industries where at least 50% of accepted offers reported a signing bonus. For the 2YMBA Class of 2023, 85% of accepted offers reported receiving a signing bonus.
²Percentages may not add up to 100%. Only sub-industries with significant percentages have been included in this table.
*Reporting numbers insufficient to provide compensation data.

A sampling of employers hiring Two-Year students

Companies are able to recruit from any of the Full-Time MBA programs. Take a look at some of the companies who have recently hired Kellogg students.


McKinsey & Company 

Bain & Company 

Boston Consulting Group


Financial Services

Goldman Sachs

J.P. Morgan


Carlyle Group







Procter & Gamble






Amgen Inc.

Johnson & Johnson


*Representative of the 2Y population

Kellogg employment and career statistics

View our 2023 Employment Outcomes

You can also download program-specific data broken out by One-Year, Two-Year, MBAi and MMM programs.

There's never been a more exciting time to discover, explore and invest in career opportunities at home and abroad. Ready to kick-start the journey that could change your career – and life? Visit our How to Apply page for helpful information, tips and step-by-step guidance on the Kellogg application.


Partner with the CMC throughout your career journey

The CMC team has advised thousands of students to successfully pursue, find and prepare for internships and full-time job opportunities. No matter what your career journey looks like, we will work together to meet your goals by discovering how to position the strengths and benefits of your unique background, gaining insights about new industries and job functions, analyzing offers, and preparing for negotiations and interviews.

As a student at Kellogg, you’ll have access to a wide breadth of resources:

  • 1:1 career coaching, CMC Career Peer student partners and alumni Industry Advisor partners
  • The only CMC Library in a top business school, including librarians dedicated to supporting the recruiting process, industry and function-specific guides, and 80+ business databases
  • Targeted workshops and programming, including mock interview and case prep practice
  • On-campus recruiting and networking events
  • Kellogg Job Board + with exclusive opportunities

Best of all, our career support and professional development services are available to you beyond graduation. As a Kellogg alum, you will receive free professional career coaching, salary negotiation guidance and access to our exclusive job boards.

It’s not just the person who’s assigned to you within the CMC or a coach or a librarian. It’s the entire ecosystem of people in the CMC who are supporting you. And that makes a big difference during your time at Kellogg.

A network for now and for life

From day one, Kellogg students become part of a global network of more than 65,000 alumni who are entrepreneurs, innovators and experts across every industry and organization. Our alumni exemplify excellence in management and represent the advantage of the Kellogg experience.

Powerful and responsive network

Lifelong career support

As a Kellogg alum, you can benefit from the same career support as when you were a student. Whether you’re looking to move up in your career, launch a business or re-enter the workforce, Kellogg has a wealth of resources to help you succeed at any stage of your career.

Alumni career & professional development resources
Career Journeys

Class of 2023 grads are in high demand and receive $207K in median total compensation

Graduates nearly double pre-MBA salaries, landing roles across industries.  
Top industries hiring our graduates include financial services, consulting and tech.
6 minute read

Contact us about the Full-Time MBA Program at Kellogg

Full-Time MBA Application Deadlines

Round 1: Sept. 11, 2024
Round 2: Jan. 8, 2025
Round 3: April 2, 2025