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Latino culture is a vast, colorful tapestry full of diversity and history, and we’re grateful for the opportunity to recognize and celebrate these rich cultural traditions.

Here, some members of the Hispanic Management Association (HMA) and K-LATAM, two student clubs fostering cultural awareness and belonging to students of Latino and non-Latino origin, share how they embrace their heritage to feel more connected to their roots and a stronger sense of self. 


Angela Amat y Leon ’25 is a student at Kellogg, Full-Time MBA Program

Angela Amat y Leon ’25  
Full-Time MBA Program 

“Born in Peru with Spanish as my first language, I was immersed in my culture from the start. After moving to the United States at a young age, I made a conscious effort to take pride in my culture. I’ve stayed connected to my roots through music like reggaeton and salsa, learning to cook traditional meals and practicing my Spanish with other hispanohablantes

“My cultural pride shines brightest at Kellogg when I'm with my peers from HMA and K-LATAM. Being a part of HMA my first year gave me a strong sense of belonging within a close-knit community. I was also proud to represent Peru at the Taste of Kellogg alongside my fellow Peruvians from K-LATAM. The drive, talent and passion within the Kellogg Latino community is truly inspiring. I’m deeply grateful for the way HMA and K-LATAM foster cultural exchange with our classmates and for the overwhelming support and allyship we’ve received from our peers.” 


Michael Darrien Castañeda ’25 is an Evening & Weekend MBA student at Kellogg

Michael Darrien Castañeda ’25  
Accelerated Evening & Weekend MBA Program 

“Growing up just 20 minutes from the Mexican border in San Diego, my heritage has always been a vibrant part of my life. Family visits to Tijuana and camping trips throughout Baja California filled my childhood with fond memories and deep connections to my roots. Working summers in my father's janitorial company cleaning dorm rooms, I became acutely aware of the privileges I had, which fueled my commitment to education and supporting my community. 

“Kellogg provides a platform for me to reflect on my roots, from joining clubs and sharing personal family stories and traditions to foster meaningful connections or cooking traditional dishes such as mole and pozole for friends, I proudly share my heritage through cultural events and experiences. As I work toward becoming the first in my family to earn a master’s degree, I feel privileged and proud to represent my culture at Kellogg and beyond. 

“Since I won’t be in Mexico this year to celebrate Dia de Muertos, one of my favorite cultural holidays that takes place on November 1-2, I'm embracing the opportunity to recreate those cherished traditions here, ensuring my heritage remains vibrant at Kellogg.”


Guillermo Hellmund ’25 is a MMM student at Kellogg

Guillermo Hellmund ’25  
MMM Program 

“We Venezuelans are innately obsessed with our country. We love talking about it as a means of taking pride, but after living in three countries, I’ve found better ways of sharing my love. While living in Guatemala in 2019, I started a tradition called ‘Arepa Wednesdays’ to share a taste of home with my new friends — this tradition has followed me to Kellogg. It has become an organic way to connect with home while attracting genuine interest from my classmates about the Venezuelan culture that have helped foster deeper connections.  

“This tradition, born as a way to honor my roots, evolved into a personal mission. As K-LATAM’s president, I strive to empower the community to proudly embrace and share our heritage with the broader Kellogg community, showing that we are not just Latinos — we are a vibrant community of diverse backgrounds, traditions and stories that make each of us unique.” 


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