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Originally from Orlando, Florida, Hamilton Murrah ’25 MBAi Program studied computer science at Duke University, leading him to an opportunity in product management at Capital One. He quickly became interested in developing a stronger business foundation to become a more well-rounded business leader, as he hopes to one day start his own AI company. 

Murrah saw the MBAi Program as the perfect avenue for advancing his business skills while continuing to learn about the applications and possibilities of AI. We chatted with him recently and he shared his top six reasons for enrolling in the accelerated MBA program that combines business strategy and analytic technologies. 


1. There’s never been a better time to study AI 

While the release of ChatGPT in November 2022 was a seminal moment in the public’s awareness of AI, industry adoption of machine learning has been growing fast for several years.  What better time than now to become well-versed not just in generative AI but in machine learning and AI in general? 

Employers are actively seeking individuals who can grasp and apply these cutting-edge technologies. With credentials from esteemed institutions like Kellogg and McCormick, I have the advantage to inspire strong confidence in my skills among potential employers. 

2. Tailored learning and exclusive access to incredible professors and speakers

Given the specialized nature of the program, many of the group classes are specifically tailored to our learning needs, ensuring the most substantial outcomes. I’m also fortunate enough to engage with brilliant professors from McCormick and other schools that most Kellogg students wouldn’t necessarily interact with. 

I’ve been able to hear from guest speakers and lecturers in a very intimate setting who have extremely impressive backgrounds including founders, chief technical officers and lead researchers. This allows me to engage deeply with them on their AI knowledge and experience while learning about the fascinating ways that their companies are utilizing the technology to make an impact.


Kellogg MBAi students form close bonds due to the intimate cohort size
An intimate learning environment is at the heart of the MBAi Program where class size is between 40 - 50 students.

 3. Small cohort, large network

We’ve all been in a scenario where we’re at a new place, and we’re not quite sure who to talk to or where to sit. This can feel especially true at large business schools like Kellogg, where more than 1,000 students are enrolled at any given time. The MBAi cohort narrows that number down significantly — my class size is 42 students.  

We’re still very engaged with the larger student body — many of my closest friends are outside of my program — but having a built-in support network is huge. I have similar interests and participate in the same activities as my peers, and it’s always a relief to find a familiar face in a new environment.

I’ve formed very strong connections within my cohort partly due to spending a lot of time together in classes. This program’s structure has created a true sense of belonging and community — an incredible benefit of the program. It goes a long way to making Kellogg feel like home.  

4. Meeting people from all around the world 

While I knew that I would be forming relationships with classmates from across the globe, I was not expecting to have such immense exposure to cultures outside of the United States. As someone who had only left the country a handful of times before matriculating, I was astounded by the diversity I found within my program and throughout Kellogg. 
Even though MBAi cohorts are typically small, the global footprint we represent is impressive. With over half of the cohort hailing from countries outside of the country, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to learn about many cultures that I had never experienced before. From home-cooked small group dinners featuring family recipes to celebrating cultural holidays, it’s been an amazing, immersive way to gain a more global perspective. 


Hamilton Murrah, a student in the MBAi Program, with his cohort who come from all over the world.
Murrah (middle right) with some of his cohort members during a group dinner.

5. Transforming me into a well-rounded leader — combining tech and business

With a focus on the intersection of business and technology, the MBAi Program is immensely valuable. As our world becomes more technologically driven, technical understanding is becoming a much-needed skill for anyone hoping to lead impactful teams and companies.  

We’re already seeing this change with many firms promoting leaders from highly technical divisions to serve on their executive teams. A leader’s success will largely depend on their understanding of new technological advancements, their ability to engage with them and their willingness to adopt them.

More importantly, though, the ability to connect these technological advancements to business outcomes and the knowledge to translate between both technical experts and non is truly a differentiating skill. These abilities will play an important role in defining the next generation of leaders, and I’m excited and ready to harness this incredible technology and take its possibilities to the next level. 

6. Extracurricular and global experiences 

The MBAi program is fundamentally a part of the Kellogg community, so naturally, we benefit from all of the incredible activities and opportunities as other students. The school has dozens of clubs for students to join that represent a variety of professional or personal interests that students may have.

Personally, I love to snowboard and found an awesome community in our Ski & Snowboard Club. I was fortunate enough to attend three separate ski trips through the club this year and formed lifelong friendships with first and second-year students. 

Along similar lines, being at Kellogg enables incredible global experiences. We regularly participate in unique trips, often bolstered by our classmates’ local knowledge and expertise, creating truly exceptional moments. In the past year, I’ve competed in an Amazing Race across the U.K., swum with sharks in Belize and visited an elephant sanctuary in Thailand. 

Kellogg students visiting an elephant sanctuary in Thailand
Murrah is making the most of the global learning opportunities offered at Kellogg. Here, he's joined with a few of his MBAi peers at an elephant sanctuary in Thailand.

Read next: How the MBAi led me to a career in generative AI