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The student experience at Kellogg is full of ways to get involved, learn and grow — from global opportunities and its extensive immersive learning experiences to its rich community on campus that participates in creating impact and paying it forward.

Starting business school is an exciting chapter of your life that will bring about a myriad of new experiences. Whether you're just starting your MBA journey or already deep into it, we’ve collected a roundup of advice and perspectives to help you make the most out of your time at Kellogg.

Graduates in the Class of 2024 gave their best advice here to future generations of Kellogg students. Here’s what they had to say: 

Bushra Amiwala ’24 Evening & Weekend MBA at Kellogg

Bushra Amiwala ’24 Evening & Weekend MBA 

“Entering business school is a time where you have an opportunity to slightly re-brand yourself. While at Kellogg, you will learn just as much about yourself personally, as you will acquire business knowledge if you truly lean into how you show up authentically in a professional space.”  

Peter Good Dissinger ’24 Two-Year MBA at Kellogg

Peter Good Dissinger ’24 Two-Year MBA

“Be intentional in seeking out hands-on learning opportunities and one-on-ones with professors. In particular, I recommend cultivating personal relationships with two or three professors by going above and beyond in their classes: Visit them at office hours, participate regularly in class and submit high quality homework.

“The three professors I’ve invested in were extremely excited when I asked to do more with them outside of a class setting. I conducted independent studies (self-directed projects that I conducted while advised by faculty) with two of those professors and was a teaching and research assistant for the third. Those learning experiences were professionally transformative and defined my second year at Kellogg.”

Corin Hernandez ’24 Evening & Weekend MBA

Corin Hernandez ’24 Evening & Weekend MBA 

“This is your chance to push yourself out of your comfort zone in a low-risk high reward environment. Take advantage of every opportunity whether through clubs, experiential classes, networking events, study abroad opportunities and/or case competitions. Don't forget, we are all trying to ‘figure it out’ and are here to learn! No one here has all the answers.” 

“Carve out time to relax, recharge and reflect throughout your time at Kellogg. Time constantly feels like it is moving at the speed of a bullet train. This creates a pressure to do more and go to more events which ironically reduces your ability to process these experiences.”
Jeffrey Ng ’24
MMM Program


Swetha Medapati ’24 Two-Year MBA Program at Kellogg

Swetha Medapati ’24 Two-Year MBA Program 

“As they say, ‘fear of missing out’ (FOMO) is real. However, getting carried away by that usually results in you not getting the most out of the Kellogg experience.  

“Choose your priorities for each quarter — while ensuring to diversify them each time — and focus on them to make the most out of your time here. Avoid making one priority, including recruitment, your sole focus; creating balance will ensure a fulfilling Kellogg experience.  

“And, most importantly, don’t shy away from trying new things and seeking new experiences. You might discover a new side of yourself here!” 

Jeffrey Ng ’24 MMM Program at Kellogg

Jeffrey Ng ’24 MMM Program 

“Carve out time to relax, recharge and reflect throughout your time at Kellogg. Time constantly feels like it is moving at the speed of a bullet train. This creates a pressure to do more and go to more events which ironically reduces your ability to process these experiences.

“Whether it’s taking a walk around the lakefill or journaling at the coffee shop on a Sunday morning, taking time for just you and your thoughts enables you to slow down, be more intentional and make the most of your time here.”

Bre Thomas ’24 Two-Year MBA at Kellogg

Bre Thomas ’24 Two-Year MBA 

“The MBA will steal time you didn’t know you had. Be sure to make time for the things that you love and that keep you grounded. 

“Your classmates are your greatest resource while here! I’ve been able to reach out to my peers about payment transactions in Colombia as well as understanding diversity in risk management careers. If I need help, I can rely on my peers to offer a helping hand.” 

Priyanka Toddywala ’24 Two-Year MBA  at Kellogg

Priyanka Toddywala ’24 Two-Year MBA 

“Business school is very much ‘choose your own adventure.’ I recommend you actively create the opportunities you want to have. That means being intentional about the people you want to become closer to, events you want to attend and firms you recruit for. 

“The opportunities at Kellogg are endless, and you can’t expect your ideal experience to just happen. My advice would be to actively work towards the experience you envision. Whether it be hosting an event you’ve been thinking about or planning a trip to somewhere you’ve been wanting to visit, intentionality matters. Don’t wait for it all to just land in your lap, otherwise, your life will unfold around others’ plans and schedules and not yours. Be in the driver’s seat of your Kellogg experience.” 

“Make sure to also get out of your comfort zone and meet others that you likely wouldn’t encounter outside of business school. You may end up missing out on a huge network of connections, and perhaps lifelong friends, by sticking with only those who feel familiar to you.”
Cherry Jessica Tran ’24
Two-Year MBA


Shivani Taskar ’24 Two-Year MBA at Kellogg

Shivani Taskar ’24 Two-Year MBA 

“My favorite part of the Kellogg experience is the small group dinners (SGDs). Picture a cozy gathering of six to eight students where every gathering is hosted by a classmate in the warmth of their home. Each dinner carries a unique theme, often reflecting the host's personal interests.  

“I’ve celebrated the Chinese New Year, learned the most scrumptious Swiss raclette recipes, candidly discussed world politics and enjoyed numerous trivia and game nights. SGDs are the most underrated way to discover the breadth of experiences that your classmates have to offer! They’re more than just a meal — they're a doorway to new connections and unforgettable memories.” 

Cherry Jessica Tran ’24 Two-Year MBA at Kellogg

Cherry Jessica Tran ’24 Two-Year MBA 

“When it comes to academics, take a broad range of classes and pay attention to professor course evaluations. Even if the subject matter isn’t 100% what you’re interested in, the world-class Kellogg faculty are experts in engaging and challenging their students — you’ll find yourself learning a ton! Also, take advantage of the academic advisors to help talk through bidding strategy and plan out your classes. 

“Make sure to also get out of your comfort zone and meet others that you likely wouldn’t encounter outside of business school. You may end up missing out on a huge network of connections, and perhaps lifelong friends, by sticking with only those who feel familiar to you. At the start of the year, everyone is excited and eager to meeting new people, so I encourage you to keep an open mindset throughout your time at Kellogg and beyond.” 

Read next: “It’s the people who ultimately won me over,” says a Full-Time MBA student