Summer Kellogg Admissions Events in Chicago and Around the World
by Melissa Rapp, Director of Admissions for the Full-Time MBA Programs and the MS in Management Studies Program
Read any article on choosing an MBA program and it will surely mention visiting campus to learn more about programs you are interested in. I wholeheartedly agree with that advice and will always tell candidates there is no better way to know a school. While visiting a school is the gold standard of due diligence, there are other, more convenient ways to meet Kellogg in the upcoming months.
Over the next three months, until the Round 1 deadline (September 19!), my team and I will travel around the world to bring Kellogg to anyone wanting to learn more about our unique MBA programs. In fact, we’ve already met some of you – shout out to Philly and Boston! Continuing our travel in July, we will be focused on international markets – Emily and Chris will head to Latin America, Nikki and I are traveling to Asia and Lance and Christine are covering Southeast Asia. Our visas are secure and our flights are booked. At the information sessions, we will discuss the distinctive aspects of Kellogg, the application process, and most importantly, we will have alums join us to speak firsthand about the Kellogg experience and the impact it has had on them professionally and personally. We also plan for everyone attending to join the admissions team and alums for networking following the presentation.
In August and September the team will be back stateside and will be visiting New York, Boston, Washington DC, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Houston and Dallas. We will also host events in Chicago and Evanston. In many of these markets, we will be featuring faculty sessions. The admissions team will be there to answer questions, but the session will focus the academic experience at Kellogg and the highlight will be learning from the best. These evenings will also include networking time with the admissions team and alumni.
In the fall, you will be able to find Kellogg in Africa and Europe.
If you’re interested in the MMM Program, there are a few events we will be doing in partnership with other schools. It’s a great opportunity to learn about the program and to meet Andrea, who works with all our MMM candidates.
And if you will be visiting the Chicago area this summer, you are welcome to stop by the Global Hub. Our One-Year and MMM students are already attending classes, so we are able to offer a limited number of class visits on Fridays. The best time for a campus visit is in the fall starting October 1, or plan to attend one of our Preview Days! More details on the campus-visit experience and Preview Days will be featured in an upcoming blog post.
Information and faculty sessions are often the first time we meet many members of the next incoming class of Kellogg. As we shake countless hands and answer questions about everything Kellogg, we see glimpses of the next generation of the school. It is so much fun to read an application later in the year and remember meeting that person on the road, so make plans to attend a session near you, and bring your questions and your business cards. We are so excited to meet you!