Tips for Applying to Kellogg (Part 5)
At Kellogg we recognize that applying to business school is a time and labor-intensive process that requires a lot of care and consideration, as well as hours of test prep, interviewing and essay writing. We get lots of questions about how applicants can make their application stand out, so this week we are offering a few suggestions on how you can help us best understand who you are and why you want Kellogg to become a part of your future.
Today’s topic: The interview
Additional topics: Test scores, essays, letters of recommendation and video essays
Many applicants wonder if we weight how and where they complete their interview, whether it’s on campus with an admissions officer or student, or an off-campus meeting with an alum. All interviews are evaluated the same way — that is, they’re your chance to tie everything together about your application, and go more in-depth on anything that will help us understand why Kellogg is right for you. Feel free to introduce new information, or to expand on something you touched on in the written application.
The interview is a piece of the application; it is important, but it’s just one piece.We look at all these things in context. They’re each a component to help round out the story that you want us to know about you. Above all else, be thoughtful, be honest and be yourself. Kellogg is very excited to get to know you.
For more information about Kellogg’s applications components, visit our website.