Kellogg World Alumni Magazine Winter 2009

Faculty in the Media

Kellogg School professors offer their expertise on a variety of topics, from finance and marketing to strategy and economics. Recent news coverage of Kellogg professors includes:

  Michael Mazzeo
Michael Mazzeo

NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams: "Businesses Brace for Flu's Full Impact." On Sept. 28, Associate Professor of Management & Strategy Michael Mazzeo discussed how the H1N1 virus can affect businesses.

Reuters: "For Some, Valuable Trade Codes Well Worth Stealing." Adam Galinsky, the Morris and Alice Kaplan Professor of Ethics and Decision in Management, noted in a July 7 article that risk-taking behavior is not uncommon among people who have been given power. "Power alters the basic neurological processes in the brain and inhibits those parts of the brain that would allow a person to show restraint," Galinsky said. "It allows them to systematically ignore the consequences of their actions."

  Leemore Dafny
Leemore Dafny

Bloomberg: "Government Health Plan May Fall Short in Spurring Competition." In this Sept. 5 article, Leemore Dafny, an assistant professor of management and strategy, said that President Barack Obama is correct in his observation that health-insurance markets in many parts of the country are dominated by one or two providers. "Most Americans live in markets dominated by a small number of insurers," Dafny said, adding that if coverage becomes "more of an individual decision," competition should follow. She predicted that when consumers have "more skin in the game," the U.S. "should get an explosion of offerings." 

Época Negocios (Brazil): "Na era digital, é o consumidor quem manda." On Aug. 18, Philip Kotler, the S.C. Johnson & Son Professor of International Marketing, discussed the importance of new media to understand and market to consumers.

The Economist: "Hormones, Not Sexism, Explain Why Fewer Women than Men Work in Banks." Finance Professor Paola Sapienza's research on the relationship between gender, testosterone and risk aversion, and its impact on economic behavior and career choice, was featured in this Aug. 26 article. "The Babyfaced Black CEO Phenomenon." In this July 7 article, Assistant Professor of Management & Organizations Robert Livingston writes about the challenges of race and leadership among CEOs.

Wall Street Journal: "Entrepreneurs Strive to Turn Buzz Into Loyalty." Stephen Burnett, associate dean of executive education and professor of strategic management, was featured in this July 21 article, which discussed the ways that suddenly popular small businesses are reaching out to the media to

  Jonathan Parker
Jonathan Parker

tell their story. "As you grow, you have to maintain that quality and specialness," Burnett said. "It's an interesting challenge because what happens a lot of time is that when you become too large, you ruin that kind of mystique."

Newsweek: "How the Mighty Have Fallen." A July 20 article cites research by Finance Professor Jonathan Parker and Associate Finance Professor Annette Vissing-Jorgensen on the loss of income in low- and high-consumption households.

Globe and Mail (Canada): "Beware of Temptation." This Aug. 14 article

  Loran Nordgren
Loran Nordgren

focuses on Assistant Professor of Management & Organizations Loran Nordgren's study on the power of temptation.

New York Times: "Are the Glory Days Long Gone for I.T.?" This Aug. 9 article highlights research by Shane Greenstein, the Elinor and H. Wendell Hobbs Professor of Management & Strategy, on annual estimates of spending on information technology.

Xinhua News Agency (China): "Expert: U.S. Economy Still Faces Many Challenges." Clinical Professor of Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences Lloyd Shefsky on July 15 discussed the country's economic challenges, as well as the U.S. stock market and job losses.

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