Kellogg World Alumni Magazine Winter 2009

The Kellogg Germany Alumni Club hosted a cleantech conference featuring Kellogg alumni and professors. Pictured from left: Dr. Auer (Deutsche Bank Research), Markus Grimm ’01 (Cleantech Angel Network), Professor Hegger (TU Darmstadt) and Hr. Felix Schnella, CFA (DVFA Delegate)

Alumni Club of Germany

The Kellogg Alumni Club of Germany organized a well-received cleantech event, inviting market leaders in cleantech development and investing. Deutsche Bank Research kick-started the presentation series, outlining global macro trends across the various technology fields. Subsequently, keynote speaker Professor Hegger from TU Darmstadt presented his team's experience during the 2007 Solar Decathlon (, an energy-efficient building design contest initiated by the U.S. Department of Energy. Entering the contest the first time in 2007, the team won, finishing ahead of the leading 16 U.S. architecture and engineering universities and three other international participants. The designed houses were on display for public viewing in October in front of the White House.

During the second half of the event, the speakers focused on cleantech innovation from an investor´s perspective, covering institutional and early-stage aspects. Markus Grimm '01, founding partner of Cleantech Angel Network, discussed how Kellogg alumni can get involved in the growing global technology market. He also participated in a very active panel discussion and Q&A session with the audience.

The Kellogg Alumni Club of Germany would like to extend its gratitude to the German Society of Investment Professionals for hosting this event at their location as well as to all involved participants from the industry and to the academic and investment professionals who attended the event and the subsequent alumni reception.

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