Kellogg World Alumni Magazine Winter 2009


  Sanjiv Shah EMP-61, his wife Amisha and children Kavin and Karina

Craig Shimasaki EMP-61


Thanks again for some new responses, we seem to share the news pretty well.

First from Craig Shimasaki, who wrote a book, The Business of Bioscience: What Goes Into Making a Biotechnology Product. It was published by Springer Business+Science and can be found at Craig writes, "It has taken about two years to complete, but it was enjoyable doing so, even while managing the challenges of a developing company."

Sanjiv Shah reports that a future alum was brought into the world. He and wife Amisha had a boy named Kavin (pronounced Ka-veen) on Aug. 29. Sanjiv writes that "our little guy was not so little, weighing in at 9 pounds, 1 ounce." Sanjiv's work is also going well. Their group closed on a new $200 million fund of funds during the first quarter of 2009, so it was a really nice event for them given the market conditions at the time.

And from Amin Kassem: He is still at the same place, but has assumed a little more responsibility. He was profiled in Information Week magazine and is watching the national healthcare debate very closely and trying to make sense of it to help steer the company's strategy in the right direction.

Keep the e-mails coming and remember the Reunion: April 30-May 2, 2010!

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