Kellogg World Alumni Magazine Winter 2009
Ken Getz ’91 (second from right) and family at daughter Ellyn’s high school graduation
1991 — Full-Time

Ken Getz writes: "I hope that all is well. It seemed like a good time to provide a first update. My oldest daughter, Ellyn, was born about two weeks after my KSM graduation and now she just graduated from high school. Time has certainly flown. These past 18 years have been good to me and my family. We reside in both Sharon, Mass., and in Bar Harbor, Maine, during the year. Each of my three children (18, 16 and 12) are caring, honest, hardworking and intelligent. What more could a parent ask for? My wife Debra, who was a JV, has been very active doing community service.

"My professional life has been a lot of fun. After graduation, I worked in management consulting for several years. I then created, ran and ultimately sold two companies — a software development firm and a medical publishing company. I founded a nonprofit ( that helps patients find and gain access to experimental medical treatments. I'm also on the faculty at the Tufts Medical School, where I teach drug development strategy and management. In my spare time, I serve on several company boards for businesses that I co-own."

Larry Robertson released a book in October called A Deliberate Pause, which takes an entrepreneurial look at entrepreneurship, learning from those who know best what really makes it work. Larry writes about his vast experience and shares the insights of more than 200 individuals in the entrepreneurial universe. Featured in the book are stories from former Dean Dipak Jain and Steve Rogers, professor and director of the Larry and Carol Levy Institute for Entrepreneurial Practice. More information about the book can be found at

Scott Winslow's Winslow Technology Group LLC was ranked No. 15 on CRN's "2009 List of 100 Fastest Growing IT Organizations in the United States." The list was featured in the Aug. 21 issue of CRN magazine. The "Fast 100" is made up of IT solution providers, resellers, VARs, outsourcing firms and consultants that have had impressive growth rates between 2006 and 2008. Winslow Technology Group provides IT storage solutions and consulting services for clients such as Travelers Insurance, MIT, Eastern Bank, Boston University and PUMA.

Andre Crump provided us with an information-packed update (thanks Andre!). He writes: "Stephanie Green Crump and I are living in San Francisco with two daughters (9). Stephanie is in the energy industry on the state government side, and I left the tech industry a few years ago to found my own technology-enabled media company ( We get together with some Kellogg grads out here from time to time, in particular with Sancha Huang Norris, who married Bill Norris '97. They have two daughters and live in a cool house in Santa Cruz. I heard from Judy Pitchford, who moved to Dubai. Lisa Markes and Ron Moore live in Maryland and have three kids (one daughter and boy/girl twins). We have been closely following the beverage industry adventures of Eric Llopis '92, who no longer lives here but was very instrumental in convincing us to move from New Jersey to San Francisco. I can't remember if his final argument was the Napa wine, the Bay Area weather or the fact that drivers actually use their turn signals out here (if you've driven in New Jersey, you'll know what I mean)."

Finally, Andre offers the following challenge: Here's a pop-culture philosophical question for alums with kids: "Our class graduated during the recession of 1991. Not the best of economic times to be graduating (like now). If Kellogg was our Hogwarts (as in Harry Potter), was Dean Jacobs our Dumbledore?"

THAT should be a conversation-starter! E-mail your viewpoints to me at, and we'll post them in the next issue.

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