Kellogg World Alumni Magazine Winter 2005Kellogg School of Management
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Thailand club
A party sponsored by the Thailand alumni club, which welcomed people from all parts of the Northwestern University community. About 60 people attended the party, including two Kellogg alumni from Singapore.

Alumni Club of Thailand

The Kellogg Alumni Club of Thailand recently participated in a "Welcome Party" with several colleges from Northwestern University. The event drew some 60 people, including two Kellogg School alumni from Singapore. In addition, the club hosted a special dinner celebration in honor of Dean Dipak C. Jain and Dean Emeritus Donald P. Jacobs, both of whom were in attendance. We really had a good time with both deans.

Thailand club
The Kellogg Alumni Club of Thailand hosted a dinner for Dean Emeritus Donald P. Jacobs and Dean Dipak C. Jain. About 20 Kellogg alumni joined the dinner.
©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University