it's been a year since we started the transition back into
the working world. Long hours, Dilbert dynamics, loan payback
Before we get so down we're actually missing Kafe Kellogg,
here are a few folks taking matters into their own hands.
Octaviano-Chua has recently realized a life-long
dream — moving to London! Husband Paul Chua recently
started his MBA at London Business School. Anna writes, "Right
now, I am happy playing 'JV' spouse. I am very proud to tell
everyone that I am from Kellogg! We have a very strong brand
here at LBS and people always like to hear what it is like
at our school." Of her August move, she added, "I have been
very busy settling down, in the midst of my transfer with
BCG, and furniture buying, etc. It has been quite crazy for
me, as BCG staffed me on a case here to allow me to fly to
London earlier than expected (initially I was supposed to
move to London only at the end of September), so I had to
pack my bags and go! I hope to reconnect with Kellogg friends
in London as soon as all the errands and settling-down chores
are settled."
Sheldon Ng '04 braving the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon |
Dave '04 and Suzanne O'Neill with their newest arrival, Meghan, at a Napa wedding this summer |
and Heather Jagher recently welcomed a new
addition their family. Eric shares: "Zoe Maya Jagher was born
on Aug. 24, at 8:34 a.m. and weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces
and was 20 and a half inches long. Heather and Zoe are both
doing great. Heather will take some time off until the end
of the year and will return to Leo Burnett in January. I headed
back to work this week and am luckily on an in-town project
for Deloitte." Demonstrating the aptitude and intellect that
got him into Kellogg, Eric has been busy educating his daughter
on the two most critical aspects of her developmental growth
— the Kellogg social scene and Boston fanaticism. According
to Eric, "Zoe has already met several Kellogg '04 friends
like Brady Busch,
Sarah Butterfass,
Caroline Chulick, Kristin Stanton and Josh Davidson
(TMP). Zoe has already watched her first New England Patriots
game and asks me every day, 'Daddy, how many games are the
Red Sox up on the Yankees in the A.L. East?'" Eric, you make
us proud.
Dominguez and Mane Olivera announced the arrival
of Sofia Dominguez-Olivera, born on Aug. 26, weighting 3.55
kilograms. Mario writes that they are both "happy and enjoying
their baby." Other Kelloggians note that Mario has also been
enjoying the American cultural phenomenon of paternity leave
and understands the importance of passing on a good golf game
to Sofi.
O'Neill wins the cross-functional award for a new
baby and a new job — all within three months. He says,
"Meghan Grace O'Neill was born on April 14 at 4:23 p.m. and
weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces and was 19 and a half inches
long and is doing great. In February I took a job as VP of
financial planning at College Sports TV in NYC and Suzanne,
Meghan and I are living in Fairfield, Conn."
Wang has recently transferred to Hong Kong with Morgan
Stanley. She was previously in their Chicago office. Mike
and Mara Sheehan have relocated to Columbus where Dr. Mara
is in the family practice group at Mount Carmel Hospital.
Mike continues with Archstone Consulting and is excitedly
anticipating the arrival of Mike Moran to
teach him the zen of shoveling snow in Ohio. Marcy
Shugert recently moved to L.A. to take on marketing
at Buena Vista Home Entertainment at Disney. While we're not
sure what to make of her pseudo-celeb sighting ("Party of
Five?"), Marcy writes: "Apparently Jeremy Piven (of recent
"Entourage" fame) lives in my neighborhood and frequents my
farmers' market." We'd go vegan too, Marce.
Ng recently relived his KOA glory days with a week-long
rafting and camping trip through the Grand Canyon. Veracruzanos
think Shel went a little too far on the tent action —
no one sleeps in tents in Juan Martinez's '03 backyard. Maybe
because JML made sure no one slept ?
and Diane Friedman met up with Juan
Pablo Rossi and Maren Lau in Turkish
cave country this summer. Day trips had them hot air ballooning,
herding goats through local villages and exploring underground
cities. All agree, "It was a 'yabba dabba doo' time all around."