Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2004Kellogg School of Management
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Phillipines club
Enjoying camaraderie in the Philippines on Worldwide Wednesday are, from left, Carol Dominguez ’89, Steve Gan ’78, Dave Chua KH-02, Jojo Poe ’99, Trix Guerrero ’93, Dave Valdes ’92, Dave Balangue ’77, Ernest Cu ’84, Kendrick Chua ’04, Pia Echauz ’04, Bibsy Carballo GJ’65, Dennis Valdes ’90 and, in back, AP Bartolome ’99.


Alumni braved the midweek rush-hour traffic in Manila, as the Philippines joined Kellogg alumni clubs around the globe in celebrating Worldwide Wednesday on Sept. 22 with bottomless drinks at the Manila Polo Club in Forbes Park.

Anticipating a splendid audience of business community leaders, club president Jojo Poe '99 invited David Balangue '77, president of the Management Association of the Philippines and chairman of the SGV Group (Ernst & Young Philippines), to deliver an impromptu talk on the Philippine business and economic outlook, given the impending fiscal crisis of the national government.

Dave discussed how the government’s debt burden was eating up a disproportionately large portion of the national budget, prompting predictions of a fiscal crisis. He noted that the country’s competitive advantage in the global marketplace remains in the service sectors (customer service call centers, caregivers, engineers, etc.).

At the same meeting, the club also welcomed new members Pia Echauz and Kendrick Chua from the Class of 2004.

Thanks to Anne Brockseker and the alumni affairs office for organizing what must be a record-setting synchronized global event!

In memoriam: The Kellogg Alumni Club of the Philippines is sad to announce the passing of Edgardo (Ed) L. Tordesillas '55, who helped found the club. Ed died on Aug. 28 in Manila. He was a dear friend and kind mentor to Northwestern and Kellogg alumni in the Philippines, an incorporator of the Northwestern University Alumni Association of the Philippines, former deputy minister of trade and industry, and governor of the board of investments.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University