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EMP-9's Marc Pecquet writes: "I have now been the Citigroup country officer in Luxembourg for five years, having relocated from Paris to this small country stuck between Belgium, France and Germany. In addition, I was given geographical responsibility for Citigroup's global transaction business for France, Belgium and the Netherlands earlier this year. My trade is selling and delivering cash, trade, securities and funds services to Citigroup's corporate and investment bank customers. We have an important franchise in these four countries, and I spend my time circulating between them.

"My wife, Christine, accompanies me when she can, son Julian is a reporter for the Herald Tribune in Sarasota and daughter Amélie is an interior architect/decorator in Paris. We have kept our house near Paris,where I try to play golf every weekend in Fourqueux. If anyone comes to Luxembourg, I would be happy to meet.I can be reached at Citigroup at +352.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University