Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2004Kellogg School of Management
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Happy winter, '98ers! All fares well in London. I have recently gotten my Green Card so I am bizarrely one step closer to becoming a permanent resident — but more about that in the next issue. (Ya see, it's like a serial about my life, just to keep you hooked on reading my little column at the back of Kellogg World.) But this column isn't about me, it's about YOU! And so here we go ...

Well kids, they finally did it! Charlie Huiner and Stasia Bourke tied the knot in Santa Barbara on May 30. The couple says: "We were lucky to have an 80-degree day and many of our Kellogg friends in attendance. Lisa Sweeney and Jane Martz were bridesmaids, and David Parsky and Paul Bernard were groomsmen. We had a great showing from the San Francisco crowd (Scott Gardner, Heather Finke, John Banzcak, Marc Chaput, Steve Gwozdz). Erika and Keith Quinn and Michon and Rich Herman were there from L.A. Other guests came from as far away as Wisconsin (Inga and Christian Barry) and London (David Kim). After the wedding we had a fantastic time in Hayman Island in Australia."

Talk about delayed reaction! Paul Jacobson and Kelly Fahey were married last July in central Vermont, a couple of hours from where Kelly grew up. She writes: "It's funny that somebody I hardly knew at school ended up becoming my husband. I really owe a great deal of thanks to Sara Chambers who, very casually (or slyly — however you want to look at it), shared my number with Paul shortly after I moved to San Francisco in 2002. We were very lucky to have so many of our Kellogg friends make the trek to join us for the event. We would also like to report that more than 300 bottles of wine were consumed during our reception (150 guests) — a resort record. Joining us were Gary Smith and Coline David, Lisa Lee, Marc and Rowena Singer, Frank and Nanda Sibol, Amy Slothower, Kris Zdyb, Evelina and Mark Taber, Maria and Rob Fawcett, Sara Chambers, Chris Caren, Cristina and Scott Hauncher, Jim Patterson and Shannon Smith, Katharine and Andrew Calderwood, Rick Wolfgram, Craig Michaels, Jose Bayardo, Graeme Jack, David Gibelb, Tim MacDonald and — all the way from the South of France — Dave Nahama. After two weeks of siesta-ing in Spain, Paul and I are back in San Francisco, wondering what to do with all of our free time now that wedding planning is over.

Jane Wright Hunter writes: "All is great in Charlotte. Tommy and I had a baby boy named Thomas in July, and Elizabeth is loving being a big sister. Soon I will be returning to work for Red F, the marketing firm I have been with for the last five years. Let me know if you are ever in Charlotte; I would love to catch up."

It's been an incredible transition year for Len Ross, wife Roz and baby Joshua. Len writes: "In 2003, my startup finally ran out of cash after a rollercoaster five-year run. In early 2004 I joined PepsiCo's global procurement team in Somers, N.Y., where I manage two of our PET bottle supply relationships. Procurement at Pepsi is challenging and exciting, and Pepsi's resources are a welcome change of pace from startup life. We've relocated from New Jersey to a new home in Southbury, Conn., where Roz is working from home for"

After a four-year Class Notes hiatus, Jason Ayroso wrote in to relate two experiences on why it`s great to be part of the Kellogg network: "I moved to Openwave Systems Japan in June 2003 after three years of being an equity analyst at UBS. Interesting thing about this is that I got the job because a fellow Kellogg '98er, Doug Gilmartin, was looking for someone in Tokyo to help him out as new controller of Asia, and my name showed up in a stack of résumés sent by a head hunter. It was a strange coincidence that our paths crossed this way. I now work with Doug as sales operations manager for Asia. This summer I had the wonderful chance of experiencing the Olympics in Athens. All made possible by an innocent browsing of the Kellogg alumni Web site, where I found out that the Greek alumni club, headed by Dimitris Stathopoulos '94, was extending invitations to host visitors. Dimitris helped me find affordable accommodations and tickets. What an experience it was to watch the drama of great athletes vie live for those coveted medals. It does pay to check out the Web site from time to time!"

After spending three interesting years with Energy, Alex Lee has returned to the candy world as a senior marketing manager with Brach's, which was recently acquired by Barry Callebaut. He writes: "From one Swiss confections company (Nestlé) to another, I'm back in a sweeter place. I hope you like candy corn, because now you'll get it with a little added Kellogg flavor!"

Isabelle Gecils and her husband, Ferdie Evangelista, welcomed their first child, Adrian Connor Evangelista, on July 11. She writes: "In between taking care of little Adrian, I have been managing the implementation of a load management technology within the state of California to enable consumers to reduce energy consumption in their major appliances during major grid system emergencies (such as on very hot days, or when power plants go out of service). Californians may see this technology, called GoodWatts, come their way soon. After that, the world may be the limit."

P.J. Jain and his wife, Janaki, welcomed their son on Aug. 25. His name is Prem Vaibhav Jain.

Andreas Zehnder has plans to be boring regarding news of his professional life (for the next 25 years, he hopes not to change his employer). He was recently promoted to principal at Egon Zehnder International, the largest privately held head-hunting firm in the world. On the children productivity front, any organic growth plans are consistently discussed with domestic CEO Clarissa, but the status is currently status with Brandon, 6, Deana, 5, and Evan, 3. Andreas is always open to inviting any '98ers to a Birchermüesli at Sprüngli when in Zurich.

May Wu writes: "I attended Kris Zdyb's wedding on Aug. 21 in the beautiful Tenton Village (near Jackson Hole) in Wyoming. I was able to meet many Kellogg '98 classmates, including the recently married Kelly Fahey and Paul Jacobson from San Fran, Lisa Lee, Lincoln Singleton and David Contract from New York, Philippe Meyersohn from Toronto and a few others. As guests, we got little goody bags that were stuffed with fancy cosmetics and scents, such as Kohl's lip balm and after-shaving toner, a fresh sugar-scented candle and Trish McEvoy lip gloss. Must be from connections of the bride, Melissa Foss, a former editor/writer at Allure magazine."

JB and Anne Boris announced the arrival of their new baby boy. Anne writes: "Luke Hardy Boris was born June 26, weighing 7 pounds, 13 ounces. Big brother Jack, who is now 3 years old, is thrilled. I'm still working as a part-time marketing consultant and JB is CFO for Cloudveil, a manufacturer of outdoor apparel based in Jackson Hole, Wyo. We've been here in Denver for about a year and a half now and we can't wait for ski season. We see Heather Lamm and Alex Ooms '97 quite a bit, as well as Amy Slothower."

On July 10, Leo Griffin married April Banks (now Griffin) at St. James' Church in Piccadilly, London. He writes: "We also had a couple of celebratory events in California — one in L.A. and one in the wine country of central California (which included sky diving for the brave). We had a magical time and were thrilled to be joined by a great group of Kellogg friends including Melanie Brownrout, Gary Goren, Rich Herman, Julie Kim '99, Shawn Luetchens, Rick Morello, Martin Sansing and Bob Teree. We went around the world on our honeymoon, stopping in Paris, Hong Kong, Bali and Lombok, Indonesia, before returning to Los Angeles. Professionally, I am still at Monitor Group in L.A., but I now work for Monitor Ventures, our early-stage venture capital and advisory group."

Lauren and Rob Adams welcomed baby Caroline to the family on Sept. 5, putting quite a punctuation on the Labor Day weekend: Rob writes: "Two-and-a-half year-old Charlie is particularly excited about having a new toy. Otherwise, Wilmette is treating us well. Our guest rooms are dwindling, but we love visitors, particularly those with an aptitude for midnight feedings."

Erik Maurer and wife Lea had their second son, Rex, on Aug. 17. Erik writes, "He joins his 3-year-old brother Luke in helping us build our own swim team."

Michele Woolley writes: "I am still at Intel after six years, one more to go 'til sabbatical! I recently transferred from product marketing to the corporate side. For fun, I am training with Team in Training (a fantastic nonprofit organization) for the Honolulu Marathon in December."

Bobbi and Charlie Hurt welcomed Charles Davis Hurt IV on Sept. 2. Charlie writes: "Everyone is doing great. He was big and healthy — 9 pounds, 7 1/2 ounces and 22 1/2 inches. Big sister Layton is 2 years old and is delighted to have a baby brother. Layton goes to school with Parker Battin, Molly Coleman Battin's son."

Tereska Buzek writes: "Dear Friends: In the last six years, it appears that all of you have been married, had children, purchased property, started billion-dollar businesses and become (if possible) even more attractive. I am embarrassed to admit that in this same time period, my accomplishments have been limited to a move to London and survival in the world of banking (which is actually more of an embarrassment than an accomplishment). Oh, and this year I also learned how to keep my plants alive. It turns out that they like to be watered. This year I have made my situation even more of a Kellogg embarrassment. I have quit my job (and only because I was BORED! How scandalous is that?!), went to film school and am now going to take the next six months to travel around the world equipped with little more than a yoga mat and a hand-held camera. Yes, you have understood correctly. Tereska is homeless, single and unemployed — and she has never been happier! TeresKapade: The Irresponsibility Tour kicked off in the Good Ol' USA on Oct. 8. I shall spend about 10 weeks driving around and across the States, kicking off in Olympia, Wash. If you live in the States and are up for feeling smug (Seriously, you have definitely accomplished more than I have!), I would love to visit you. Please email me at or visit my Web site at to find out not only about my U.S. itinerary, but about my tragic break-up with Prince William. I look forward to seeing you. Best, Tereska."

Rami Kahlon reports from San Francisco that summer finally came in September and it was a scorcher: "My 16-month-old baby boy, Ravneet, is keeping mom (Avneet) and dad real busy, as well as keeping it real. We recently had dinner with Piyush Dogra, who was in town courtesy of Microsoft, where he works in speech products. And after nearly four years, Christian Hackett and Vijay Sankar, along with his lovely wife, Sukanya, reunited at our house, where we discovered, to our amazement, that Christian might be a better fit for the right coast!"

Michael Lill writes: "Jenny and I are keeping quite busy raising our two boys and renovating our house in Baltimore's Charles Village neighborhood. Our youngest, Wesley Evan Harrington Lill, was born March 2 and is a happy, adorable 7-month-old boy. His older brother, Torin, 3 1/2 years, is extremely protective and is trying to teach Wesley everything about dinosaurs. Together they keep us on our toes. Jenny continues to do research at Johns Hopkins and I'm still consulting at First Annapolis Consulting. We're enjoying Baltimore's very mellow early fall and are planning some hikes over the coming weeks. Visitors are always welcome. I heard recently from fellow 1998er Sapan Polepalle, who went on to finish a medical degree after Kellogg. He recently finished his residency in San Diego, and his wife Pramila and he have completed their move to Pittsburgh, where Sapan has joined a new medical practice."

Sapan confirms this and writes: "If anything ever brings you to Steel City, please drop a line. There are actually lots of cultural things to do and the restaurants are pretty good."

That is it for now. Keep the news coming; it is all so great to hear, uh, read. Thanks as well for your warm wishes to me. Life is very, very good right now. Hope it is for all of you too.


©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University