Muñoz '95 |
Profile: Michael Muñoz '95
advocate for children
Muñoz ’95 draws on his business leadership to
help strengthen the Department of Education
a year after passage of No Child Left Behind, a congressional
bill promising a new era of accountability in U.S. public
education, Michael A. Muñoz ’95, whose own story
has Hollywood elements to it, realizes he may be playing the
role of a lifetime.
As deputy
assistant secretary for performance improvement at the U.S.
Department of Education, Muñoz is tasked with developing
and implementing management systems to give the program, a
top domestic priority for President George W. Bush, a chance
to succeed.
the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, Muñoz, a former
Army officer who had built a successful consulting career
in health care and other businesses, says he felt compelled
to serve his country.
weighing the opportunity at Education, a friend told him:
“They’re trying to do a turnaround at Ed, and,
if you’re successful, you’ll affect every child
in the country.”
the law’s provisions are stipulations that schools put
a “highly qualified” teacher in every classroom
by 2006, and annually test students in grades three through
eight for progress in reading and math.
knows firsthand the importance of education. Born in East
Los Angeles, he was orphaned at age 9. His older brother David,
David’s wife Win and his grandmother Antonia Peralez
cared for him.
When David
was accepted at Harvard Medical School, the family moved to
the Boston area, where, in his first winter, Michael played
goalie in neighborhood ice hockey games because he didn’t
know how to skate.
lost four teeth,” he says. “For Christmas, I got
a face mask.”
He returned
to Los Angeles to finish high school, he says, but “I
resisted the advice of my high school guidance counselor to
pursue the automotive trades.”
he went to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, and served
for four years.
A 1995
MBA graduate of Kellogg — with five majors — Muñoz
says he learned importance of teamwork, “where you take
a disparate group of people and create a single purpose.”
With a
wide range of business experience — health care, environmental,
retail, e-commerce, utility, investment banking and consumer
products management — Muñoz responds well to
new challenges.
A key
part of his work at Education is the One-ED plan that seeks
to create a unified department through a five-year strategic
plan. Education has an operating budget of about $1.2 billion,
which has been constant over the last five years,with about
5,000 employees.
work has increased as additional educational legislation has
been passed,” he says. “Like everyone else we
are being asked to do more with less. We have not increased
our productivity at the same rate as the private sector. When
you add this to the fact that 50 percent of our managers will
be eligible to retire in the next five years, we know we have
a problem.
challenge is to create management systems that align every
employee’s work with the President’s Management
Agenda so that we deliver services to our nation’s children,”
he says. “We have to make sure every dollar is used
Daniel Cattau |