Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Winter 2001Kellogg School of Management
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From the Dean
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From the Dean

  Dean Dipak Jain
©2001 Evanston Photographic
Dear Alumni,

My first four months as dean of the Kellogg School have not been the honeymoon many new CEOs enjoy. So much has happened in the world that was not anticipated when the summer started.

First, consulting firms -- our biggest employer of the Class of '01 -- announced that new jobs would be deferred from two months to one year. In an unprecedented move, I turned to our alumni from 1995 and earlier to find temporary work for the affected graduates. The response was overwhelming. Not only did more than 100 offers pour into my office from around the world, but more importantly almost 2,000 alumni responded to my e-mail request. A new channel with the alumni network was established.

Second, I started meeting as many alumni as possible and reconnecting them with the Kellogg School -- in person. Since July, I have visited with alumni in Hong Kong, Manila, San Francisco, Seattle, Dallas, Bangkok and here in Evanston and Chicago. I plan to continue these meetings around the world in the coming months. My goal is to visit as many of our 73 clubs as possible by the end of 2002.

Third, I began meeting with Kellogg School recruiters to get a firsthand assessment of what we can expect for the coming hiring season. Many of our second-year students have returned from their summer internships with job offers, but many others are searching for the right career. If you have positions that may be appropriate for Kellogg grads and you do not recruit here, please contact the Career Management Center. Or, if you are seeking a position, contact the Office of Alumni Career Services. Both are at 847.491.3168.

Fourth, I have started a series of meetings with our corporate advisers and major donors to gain their insight and impressions. I plan to continue these intimate and informative discussions while I am dean since they give me yet another perspective of Kellogg. We also are hosting top business leaders to meet with students and faculty, including John Chambers, CEO of Cisco Systems; Jack Welch, retired CEO of GE; and A.G. Lafley, CEO of Procter & Gamble. You can view video files of Welch and Lafley's presentations on the Kellogg Web site -- another new offering for alumni.

Finally, we welcomed the Class of '03 to Kellogg on the worst possible day: Tuesday, Sept. 11. I had just concluded my State of Kellogg address at the opening of CIM Week when we had to make the awful announcement about the events that were simultaneously taking place in New York and Washington, D.C. Like most major MBA schools, Kellogg was directly affected that day, losing three alumni, the father of an alumnus and the son of an alumnus. Our prayers and support have been sent to their families. The three alums are memorialized in this issue.

Also, because of the Sept. 11 events, several meetings with alumni, recruiters and donors in New York and elsewhere had to be postponed and are being rescheduled. Thanks to all who have sent e-mails and letters, called and even visited to wish me good luck and support. As you will read in this issue, the Kellogg School is about scholarship, leadership and partnership. These qualities start in the Office of the Dean and, with your help, our reputation will spread globally. We must have your support and ideas to continue as one of the greatest schools in the world. I look forward to hearing your suggestions and meeting more of you in the near future.

Best personal regards,

Dipak C. Jain

©2001 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University