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Erez Nir has moved to San Diego to work as vice president for services at for Wingcast, a Ford and Qualcomm start-up with a mission to build the world first global telematics service provider. His new contact details are: 10251 Vista Sorrento Pkwy., San Diego, CA, 92121-2706; tel: 858.795.2391; fax: 858.795. 2548; cell: 858.449.8439; e-mail:

Dror Gad is now managing partner of a $50 million venture capital fund — TechnoPlus Ventures. They invest in young, Israeli-related, hi-tech start-ups within the communication, software and life science areas, helping them to develop products, raise money and expose them to large markets (United States and Europe). The fund has already invested in 40 companies.

Ohad Zuckerman has a new son named Ido.

Simon Sharon has a new job with Anorad Israel.

Imad Fakhoury is back in public office. He is the governor of Aqaba. He and his wife Reem are expecting their first child in October.

Zeev Bregman is CEO of Comverse Network Systems.

©2001 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University