Kellogg World Alumni Magazine Summer 2010

Research & Honors

Janice Eberly, the John L. and Helen Kellogg Professor of Finance, has been appointed to the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) Panel of Economic Advisers. The panel reviews and comments on CBO's preliminary economic forecasts and provides advice to further the reliability, professional quality and transparency of CBO's work.

  Anne Coughlan
  Janice Eberly
  Robert Korajczyk
  Above photos © Evanston Photographic
  Leigh Thompson

J. Keith Murnighan, the Harold H. Hines Jr. Professor of Risk Management, has received the 2009-2010 Clarence L. Ver Steeg Graduate Faculty Award from Northwestern University in recognition of his graduate student mentoring.

Anne T. Coughlan, the John L. and Helen Kellogg Professor of Marketing, was awarded the American Marketing Association's Selling and Sales Management Special Interest Group's Excellence in Research Award for her paper, "Determinants of Pay Levels and Structures in Sales Organizations." Coughlan's paper, co-authored by Dominique Rouzies of HEC-Paris, Erin Anderson of INSEAD and Dawn Iacobucci of Vanderbilt University, was published in 2009 in the Journal of Marketing.

Andrea Eisfeldt, associate professor of finance, has been appointed co-editor of the journal Finance Research Letters. She was also named a director of the Western Finance Association, a member of the Foundation for the Advancement of Research in Financial Economics and an advisory board member of the Gutmann Center for Portfolio Management.

"Intraday Patterns in the Cross-section of Stock Returns," a paper by Robert Korajczyk, the Harry G. Guthmann Professor of Finance, will be published in the August edition of the Journal of Finance. The paper is co-authored by Steven Heston of the University of Maryland and Ronnie Sadka (PhD '03) of Boston College.

An article by Leigh Thompson, the J. Jay Gerber Professor of Dispute Resolution & Organizations, was a "highly commended" award winner at the 2010 Emerald Literati Network Awards For Excellence. The article, "When your heart isn't smart: How different types of regrets change decisions and profits," originally appeared in the International Journal of Conflict Management.

Finance Professor Jonathan A. Parker delivered a staff briefing in May to the Federal Reserve System's board of governors on the effect of the tax rebate on consumer spending.

Yael V. Hochberg, assistant professor of finance, was named associate editor of the Review of Finance. Meanwhile, two of Hochberg's papers are in publication at other journals. "Incentives, Targeting and Firm Performance: An Analysis of Non-Executive Stock Options," co-authored by Laura Lindsey of Arizona State University, will be published by the Review of Financial Studies, while another paper, "Networks as a Barrier to Entry and the Competitive Supply of Venture Capital," co-authored by Alexander Ljungqvist of New York University and Yang Lu of Barclays Capital, has been published in the Journal of Finance. In addition, Hochberg has been awarded a grant from the Real Estate Research Institute for her project "Generating Abnormal Profits in Inefficient Markets: Evidence from REITs," co-authored by Tobias Muhlhofer of Indiana University.

Two Kellogg professors were honored for research published in the Review of Financial Studies. Mitchell Petersen, the Glen Vasel Professor of Finance, won second prize in the Michael Brennan Best Paper competition for his paper "Estimating Standard Errors in Finance Panel Data Sets: Comparing Approaches." Snehal Banerjee, an assistant professor of finance, received the Young Researcher Prize for his article, "Learning from Prices and the Dispersion in Beliefs."

Ravi Jagannathan, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange/John F. Sandner Professor of Finance, was named "Best Professor in Financial Management" in Asia's Best B-School Awards, presented by CMO Asia. The awards honor individuals and institutions "who have surpassed several levels of excellence and set an example (as) a role model and (for) exemplary leadership."

Five Kellogg professors have been honored with the Sidney J. Levy Teaching Award for their outstanding teaching of Kellogg elective courses. This year's recipients include Eric Anderson, the Hartmarx Research Professor of Marketing; Daniel Diermeier, the IBM Professor of Regulation and Competitive Practice; Timothy Feddersen, the Wendell Hobbs Professor of Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences; Mitchell Petersen, the Glen Vasel Professor of Finance; and Artur Raviv, the Alan E. Peterson Professor of Finance.

In a similar vein, seven faculty members were honored with the 2009-2010 Chairs' Core Course Teaching Award: Achal Bassamboo, associate professor of managerial economics and decision sciences; Meghan Busse, associate professor of management and strategy; Kent Grayson, the Bernice and Leonard H. Lavin Professor; Jiro Kondo, assistant professor of finance; Christoph Kuzmics, assistant professor of managerial economics and decision sciences; Katherine Phillips, associate professor of management and organizations, and Swaminathan (Sri) Sridharan, who holds the John and Norma Darling Professorship in Accounting.

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