Faculty Research and Honors
Emeritus of Management and Strategy Marcus
Alexis was selected as an Alumnus of Notable Achievement
by the University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts. He
was inducted March 12 at the university's Minneapolis campus.
Calder, the Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Marketing
and the director of the Center for Cultural Marketing, has
published Kellogg on Advertising and Media. Professor
Philip Kotler wrote the book's forward.
Calder |
McDonald |
Thompson |
All photos © Evanston Photographic
Studios |
September, Clinical Professor of Marketing Tim
Calkins will publish a new book. It is titled Breakthrough
Marketing Plans: How to Stop Wasting Time and Start Driving
Chernev, associate professor of marketing, has published
the third edition of Essential Marketing Concepts and Frameworks.
The book offers an up-to-date perspective on key tools and
ideas used in marketing analysis.
Conley, clinical professor of technology, delivered keynote
addresses on innovation and invention at the SABIC Technical
Meeting in Saudi Arabia in April, and at the Research Canada
Conference in Sault Ste. Marie, Canada, in December. He recently
has published three articles, including in The Wall Street
Journal ("The Shape of Things to Come," May
12) and Design Management Review ("Inventing Brands,"
Spring 2008). Also, Conley will be conducting research with
Professor Holger Ernst, director and co-founder of the Biopharma
Management Center at the WHU Otto Beisheim Graduate School
of Management, a Kellogg partner school. They were awarded
a fellowship by the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation.
Galinsky, the Morris and Alice Kaplan Professor of Ethics
and Decision in Management, has contributed his insights to
several mainstream business publications while also producing
several articles this spring, including: "Lacking power
impairs executive functions" and "Why it pays to
get inside the head of your opponent" in Psychological
Science; "The effect of past performance on expected
control and risk attitudes in integrative negotiations"
in Negotiations and Conflict Management Research; "Multicultural
experience enhances creativity: The when and how" in
American Psychologist; and "When being a model
minority is good...and bad: Realistic threat explains negativity
toward Asian Americans" in Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin.
Johnson & Son Professor of International Marketing Philip
Kotler has published several books recently. He co-authored
Strategic Marketing for Health Care Organizations: Building
a Customer-Driven Health Care System with Professor of
Health Industry Management Joel
Shalowitz and Robert Stevens, as well as Social Marketing:
Influencing Behaviors for Good with Nancy R. Lee. The
13th edition of Marketing Management (written with
Kevin Keller) was published in March.
Mark McCareins, adjunct professor of antitrust and business
law, was named Lawrence Hall Youth Services Volunteer of the
Year. Lawrence Hall is a Chicago-based residential treatment
facility for disadvantaged youth. He also served as co-editor
of the book Monopolization under the Cartwright Act
for the California Bar Association.
P. Nemmers Professor of Finance Robert
McDonald published Fundamentals of Derivatives Markets,
an undergraduate version of his book Derivatives
paper "Estimating Standard Errors in Finance Panel Data
Sets: Comparing Approaches" by Mitchell
Petersen, the Glen Vasel Professor of Finance, has been
accepted for publication in the Review of Financial Studies.
It examines how standard errors had been estimated in the
finance literature and explains which methods are correct.
He is also serving on Moody's Academic Advisory and Research
Berger Professor of Legal History Stephen
Presser published the second edition of An Introduction
to the Law of Business Organizations, the first book designed
expressly for both law students and business school students.
Associate Professor of Marketing Andrew
Razeghi's most recent text on innovation, The Riddle:
Where Ideas Come From and How to Have Better Ones, was
chosen by Fast Company as one
of its Smart Books for 2008.
Truth About Negotiation by Leigh
Thompson has been translated into Portuguese, Thai, Greek
and Hindi. Leigh is the J. Jay Gerber Professor of Dispute
Resolution and Organizations.
Uzzi, the Richard L. Thomas Professor of Leadership and
Organizational Change, has published "The changing statistical
properties of a social network and the quality of human innovation,"
in the Journal of Statistical Physics.